10 Reasons Dachshunds Are The Funniest Dogs

10 Reasons Dachshunds Are The Funniest Dogs

If you are a dachshund owner, you must be familiar with funny moments or lovely activities your sausage dogs do. Your four-legged friends can be very entertaining any time they feel happy or even just feel comfortable. It makes us wonder what’s going in their head. You may not understand why the doxie dogs do some things that don’t seem to make any sense. However, what you can see is the dachshunds can give me entertainment for hours and never cease to amaze us.

There are 10 reasons showing that dachshunds are the funniest dogs.

1. Barking at anything they don’t like.

As being hunting dogs, dachshunds do not hesitate to bark at something annoying them or even they just don’t like the things. Besides, they also bark at their own refection in the mirror or in a window madly.

2. Eating grass.

Photo by Dionysus Rider McCord

Have you even seen your dogs eating grass in the park or on the yard? The scientists don’t know for sure why they like to eat grass, maybe they used to be hunting dogs and they were wild animals. Sometimes dachshund puppies know they have eaten wrong things what are not goods for their health and want to get rid of it, that is why they decide to eat grass and they believe that the grass helps them to be sick. Other times does somehow know that they need a certain nutrient so they eat grass because they know it will help them.

3. Action when dreaming.

I think if you owned a dachshund puppy, you may catch that your dachshund will twitch when he drift off in to a deep sleep. It’s so funny to watch such the situation. The dachshund puppies look so lovely and sweet twitching their nose, mouth, legs and tail. Sometimes the sausage dogs even show that they will be running while sleeping when they are chasing other animal in their dream.

4. Being hate the toilet paper rolls.

Photo by Bridget Williams

We know that dachshunds eat weird stuff at some point in their lives. They get into the toilet room when you’re not looking, steal a roll of toilet paper to shred or even eat the paper. Until now, I don’t know why the dogs like to do that. It may be an odd behavior of the mischievous dogs.

5. Seemingly barking at nothing

Photo by GamaiUzumaki Talaban Ronzales‎

Have you even been watching a TV show or just working with your computer and suddenly your dachshund barks at nothing? You quickly ran to the dogs and could not see or hear anything that make the dog attend to. You might feel creepy, however you have to know that dachshunds or other dogs have much better hearing than we can do so the dogs have perhaps just heard something that you cannot hear.

6. Moving their leg when you scratch their belly.

Have you ever scratched your dachshunds’ belly? And do they kick or move their legs when you get a really good spot? It’s normal because this is a reflex the dogs have developed for years. Their nerved ending react and they are willing to move their legs when you rub or scratch them. It is so funny to watch your puppies moving their legs when you are scratching them, right?

7. Putting their face out the car window.

Photo by Nancy Frascino

It’s funny to watch a dachshund sitting in a car with his head out of the window with ears and tongue flapping away. It’s normal because dachshunds or other dogs just love putting their head out of the car windows and enjoying the fresh air with their face.

8. Trying and getting on the sofa like they are the owners.

Photo by Vicki Reed Grisko

Dachshunds like to squeeze onto a sofa even they can make it full. The reason maybe your dachshunds think they are your Bosses and they can do whatever they like and you have to serve them like helpers.

9. Sleeping in weird positions.

Photo by Tyler James Fehribach

We all like to get a nice and comfortable positions when we sleep. However dachshunds seem to do the opposite. They sometime fine the most awkward positions to sleep with their bodies all curled up, their legs up in the air and their heads look uncomfortable. Maybe this position is really a good idea for your dogs and they are happy to doze off.

10. Eating disgusting things.

Photo by Alyssa Langston

Sometime dachshund like to eat really disgusting things such as shoes, toilet paper rolls, or even underwear…

Dachshunds are also called sausages, wiener dogs, doxie or hot dogs. Conclusion, dachshunds are very lovely, right? This article uses photos from Dachshund Bonus Group and the photos were shared by member of the group. Thanks to all members for the shares.

What reasons make you love your dachshunds. Please comment.

12 Signs Your Dachshunds Think They Are Your Bosses

Have you ever wondered that your dachshunds are your Bosses? Do they have luxurious lives, possibly one far more blessed than yours? Now it’s time to check signs because that your dogs are really the Bosses.

1. You never celebrate your birthday, but you have to do that for your dogs.

Photo by Charles Smith‎

You never celebrate your birthday, but you have to do that for your dogs because they are worth treating like that. You are also happy when you celebrate and join a party which your dogs are the hosts.

2. Your weekend is just for your dogs.

Photo by Kate Brown‎

Waling your dogs, dog friendly pubs, shopping for your puppies’ food and treats, spending the evening at home with the dachshunds… Yes, that is your weekend.

3. You can only sleep when your dachshunds allowed.

Photo by Tonya Ramsey Self

It does not mean your dogs do not want to allow you to sleep. They just want to sleep with you. However, sharing a bed with your dachshunds can make you feel safer at night, both emotionally and physically.

4. Sleeping on you.

Photo by Todd Williams‎

Sometime, your dogs think that you are a soft bed and what happened?

5. They get more Christmas gifts than you.

Photo by Arianne Sarmiento‎

Some people have no gifts because all gifts will be sent to your puppies. Don’t be jealous and love your Bosses because they deserve to be treated like that.

6. Licking your face whenever they like.

Source: Internet

You cannot resist when your dachshund puppies want to lick your face. Be happy because they love you and they want to cuddle you.

7. Your sofa is only for your dogs.

Photo by Vicki Reed Grisko

You rarely sit or lie on your sofa because your dogs always get it.

8. Disturbing you when you are working with a laptop.

Photo by Lucie Plzáková

Whenever they like, they will appear in front of you even you are working with your laptop. You have no ways to avoid it because they are your Bosses.

9. You can just eat after your dachshunds eat.

Photo by Jonathan Gatz‎

What will you do after you wake up? Feeding your four-legged friends, right?

10. Sometimes you have to fetch stuffs.

Photo by Paul Sochin‎

As hunting dogs, dachshunds are mischievous and always think small stuffs as balls. And what will happen? Your stuffs like bottles, remotes, computer mice, smart phones or even your underwear thrown around your house. It’s simply, dachshunds are your Bosses.

11. You always have company whenever you go to the toilet.

Photo by Sharon Forte‎

Your dachshunds will always keep an eye on you as a Boss is tracking an employee and even you are going to the toilet, dachshunds will be in there with you.

12. You will never have a holiday in years.

Photo by Chad Tibbs‎

How can you have a holiday when you have to walk your Boss whenever you have time?

Dachshunds are also called sausages, wiener dogs, doxie or hot dogs. Conclusion, dachshunds are very lovely, right? This article uses photos from Dachshund Bonus Group and the photos were shared by member of the group. Thanks to all members for the shares.

What reasons make you love dachshunds. Please comment.

15 Terrible Things Dachshunds Often Do When You Are Not Home

No matter where you go or what to do, if you have to leave your dachshunds at home, you will certainly wonder what he is doing. This is normal because it shows how much you love your four-legged friends. Especially, you also understand quite well about these friend’s disruptive level. Let’s see what your doxie puppies will do when you are not home.

1. Preparing a hearty party.

Photo by Louisa Smith

When you are not home.  Your mischievous dachshunds often ransack the kitchen and the reason is simply that they want a hearty party.

2. Whining to call friends.

Photo by Vicky VanPelt‎

3. Doing nothing.

Photo by Luis Arochi‎

4. Eating paper types such as toilet paper, news papers…

Photo by Bridget Williams

5. Sometimes, they don’t know what they are doing.

Photo by Patricia Lamarche‎

Don’t ask me, I don’t know what I am doing, it just an activity when I am bored.

6. Tidying up your clothes.

Photo by John Layman

7. Fighting.

Photo by Grace Rice‎

8. Cleaning the house.

Photo by Kelsey Suver‎

9. Going out to meet friends.

Photo by Melissa A Madsen‎

10. Finding your mysterious items like black funds.

Photo by Lisa Lowery

11. Helping you sort waste.

Photo by Lexi Bowes

Rummaging through garbage is forte of dachshunds.

12. Exploring.

Photo by Lily Motok‎

What is greater than exploring the house when the owner is out of here?

13. Playing hide and seek alone.

Photo by Phyllis Bailey‎

14. Sleeping.

Photo by Deirdre Canale Mork‎

15. Missing for you.

Photo by Bruna Maria Mc Kenna‎

You see, dachshunds are very mischievous and lovely, that is why they are famous and owned in around the world. No reasons not to have a dachshund, right? All the photos were collected from Dachshund Bonus Group. Thanks to all members who shared the photos.

If you love your dachshunds, please comment the reasons that make you love dachshunds.

Top 5 Precious Features Of Dachshund That Every Owners Must Know

Have you ever wondered why you love a dachshund? Dachshunds are also called sausage dogs, wiener, doxie dogs… they are beloved around the world. There are 5 precious features that only dachshunds have and they make your love dachshunds so much.

Below is list of 5 precious features that only dachshunds have:

1. They are extreme loyal to their owners.

Photo by Sharon Forte‎

Unlike the other dogs that live in the herd, they always listen to the leader to hunt other animals for living. Dachshunds are trained to become more gentle and listen to their owners. Specially, dachshunds are special because of their loyalty. They always keep their owner’s house, and can also do small things for make their owner happy. They never betray their owners, always loyal to their owners for their whole life. There are many stories that dachshunds protected or saved their owners’ lives.

Especially, a dachshund dies after fighting cobra to protect his owner’s family. Read the story here.

2. They make their owners happier.

Photo by Dawn Mazur‎

Dachshunds are very active and that’s why they love to play with their owners all days. Whenever the owner comes home from work, they will wag their tails to welcome their owners, they also want to get attention from their owners.  When the owner goes away, the four-legged friends will watch out for the owner and will miss them so much. When having a dog always beside you like that, your mood must be more comfortable and relaxed. They are also effective helping humans reduce stress and get more interested in work and they are suitable for people with autism.

3. They are effective dogs to keep house and protect their owners.

Photo by Samantha McDonald‎

As you have known, dachshunds love their owners so much. So they like to be sensor alarms for their owners’ families, whenever a stranger appears, they will bark loudly so that their owners can know that. Even if the stranger shows signs of attack, they can rush to fight to protect the owners. This is also a natural and special self-defense characteristic of hunting dogs which dachshunds used to be.

4. They can understand their owners’ feelings.

Photo by Amy Sandefur‎

Unlike humans, who recognize the mood of a person by facial expressions. Dachshunds sense the mood by temperature of body, or perhaps by a special sense. They will run, jump, wag their tails if their owners are happy. But if you are sad, your dog puppies will be sullen, lying quietly. They just want to lay on you. It’s really respect when dachshunds can clearly feel the feelings of their owners.

5. They always love their owners unconditionally.

Photo by Denise Harper Payne‎

Dachshunds do not care whether you are rich or you have a difficult life. You can feed them good food or not, it is not a matter for them. The reason is that dachshunds are very loyal to their owners. Therefore, they will be always beside you in any circumstances if they love you. There are many famous stories that you may hear about loyal dachshunds, they loved their owners even if the owners died, they were sad and fallen ill and died. Some dogs kept waiting for their owners until they died.

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Specially, although you treat them badly, or even hit them, they will not change their affection to you. It’s great to have such a friend, right?

15 Reasons Dachshunds Are The Worst Dogs

Dachshunds are also called sausages, wiener dogs, doxie or hot dogs. They are one of the most popular of all dog breeds in the United States. The common reasons such as loveliness, playfulness, activeness… Besides, They are loyal four-legged friends, they are very attached to their family and they will protect you if someone threatens you. In addition, there are 15 more reasons why you should own a dachshund, please check them below.

Below are 15 reasons why dachshunds are the worst dogs you have to live with.

1. They are always beside you.

Photo by Bionica Fourie‎

2. They always think they are your Boss and you are just their driver.

Photo by Coralys Calderon‎

3. They pretend to be cute.

Photo by Amy Sandefur‎

4. They are very curious.

Photo by Zephra Martin‎

5. Look, they’re already taking over.

Photo by Rhonda Lee Dewees

6. They are not good kids.

Photo by Sam Billig‎

7. Attention! They are plotting ways to take over your account.

Photo by Allison Belle‎

8. You will never have free time.

Photo by Lacey Bavier‎

9. They always watch out for you.

Photo by Ahn Inocencio‎

10. They are fierce.

Photo from the internet

11. They are only using you.

Photo by Nick Nabozny‎

12. They sometimes have strange behaviors.

Photo by Anna Ziemendorf‎

13. They can get embarrassed.

Photo by Terri Jackson

14. They want to have some fun.

Photo by Kyla Crow‎

15. And how evil they are!

Photo by Bill Foote‎

Conclusion, dachshunds are very lovely, right? This article uses photos from Dachshund Bonus Group and the photos were shared by member of the group. Thanks to all members for the shares.

What reasons make you love dachshunds. Please comment.

The 10 Health Benefits Of Owning A Dachshund

Everyone thinks that owning a dachshund or other dogs is just for fun or for housekeeping because they are special indoor pets. However, these cute friends can do better than that.

If someone asked you what you like when you get home, so what is your answer? If that was me, I will answer that I would like to see a dachshund running to welcome me after I open the door. It’s not only one reason to love dachshunds because they can help you happier and specially they can give us many health benefits.

Maybe this article is a good new for those who love dachshunds like me. Let’s see 10 health benefits below!

1. Dachshunds help you have better allergy resistance.

Photo by Becky Flannigan‎

Although dachshunds are really a nightmare for people with allergies. However, if you have a dachshund puppy in your house, the cute dog will help your children reduce allergy. Even when you are pregnant and you own a dachshund puppy or other dogs, your upcoming children will be less ability of allergy. Therefore, if you are planning to have a baby or preparing to have a new one, don’t hesitate to bring a lovely dog home.

2. You will rarely get sick.

Photo by Aravindaraman Dasappan‎

We all hate bacteria and you want to live in a place without any bacteria or any pathogen. However, you don’t know that the more bacteria you live in, the better healthy you can get because bacteria is really good for you.

It means when you own a dachshund in your house, there are full bacteria in your environment. Therefore, your bodies will be able to learn how to fight against these uncountable bacteria. As a result, your immune system will also improve.

3. You have chance to do more exercises.

Photo by Dee Shaw‎

Dachshunds are active dogs that’s why they always run and jump indoors as well as outdoors. They also like to walk in the park, like to play all day, like to be cared by their owners. Hence, you must take your time for your cute four-legged friends, taking them out to play with you or walking with them in the park are better for you and your dogs. Meanwhile, you have to exercise daily with your dogs. Not only do you have fun moments with them, but you can also improve your health, reduce your chance of getting heart disease.

4. You will get more social activities.

Photo by Guillermo Maldonado‎

Surveys show that people will likely trust a stranger if he goes with a dog rather than one walking alone. And your relationship will be expanded with more people who also breed dogs like you.

Believe in your dachshunds, they will help you get more friends soon.

5. Dachshunds help you reduce stress.

Photo by Lynn Holland Montgomery‎

Do you believe that dachshunds can help you reduce stress? The lovely dogs will make you happy when you play with them, they welcome you when you get home or they just do stupid things. That’s why you always feel relax and reduce stress after you exposed to your four-legged friends. The less stress we get, the more energy we have and the more productive we get at work.

6. You will be happier.

Photo by Taylor Julia Pesch‎

Dachshund owners will feel happier than those who don’t. They can even help people with severe depression get better. Exactly the feelings and affection of the cute dogs help us get more happy and active.

7. You will have a really strong heart.

Photo by Matt Rogers‎

Owning a dachshund in your home can help you feel relax and it is important because it can help you reduce blood pressure, your heart beats more steadily. Besides, there is a research saying that you will be able to sleep better when you own a dachshund puppy.

8. Your dachshund can detect cancer.

Photo by Sharon Forte‎

Some people may not believe that dachshunds or other dogs can detect cancer, however it is the truth. Dogs have a good sense of smell special dachshunds because they used to be hunting dogs so they can sniff out cancer. There have been a lot of stories that dogs showing up as they had troubles with their noses, when the owners took their dogs to visit doctor and found that they had cancer. Therefore, it was thought that dogs were capable of detecting cancer.

9. Dachshunds can help you teach your children learn how to take care of themselves.

Photo by Haley Brooke Thornton‎

Many parents fear that if they own dachshunds in their homes, it’s not good for their children. But they are friendly and they can be teachers of your children if your children are old enough. They can teach your children learn how to care of themselves and take care of a pet. Besides, your children can learn about responsibility.

Responsibility is an important factor in our children’s future life.

10. Dachshunds can make you feel safe.

Photo by Garfield Andrew‎

It’s really the truth because dachshunds are very brave and they can protect you from a stranger, so be assured when your dachshunds accompanying you then a stranger will not dare to come near you.

According to a research, thieves will be frightened when dachshunds bark. With this protective instinct, dachshunds will make you feel safe when you are away from home.

Dachshunds are worth owning? All the photos were collected from Dachshund Bonus Group. Thanks to all members who shared the photos.

If you love your dachshunds with other reasons? Leave a comment.

10 Adorable Ways Your Dachshund Puppies Express Love For You

10 Adorable Ways Your Dachshund Puppies Express Love For You

How do you show your love to your dachshunds? Taking a walk in the park, belly stroking or just a tight hug. Therefore, have you ever noticed how your four-legged friends express love for you? Dachshund Bonus will introduce you 10 ways your dachshund puppies show their love to you.

1. Screaming when you go home.

Photo by Trena Igielski‎

When you are away from home for weeks, days or even just several minutes and your dachshund puppies will express their happiness such as jumping, wagging their tails, screaming right after you return and open the door.

2. Licking your face.

Photo by Patrick Bohinski

When we are fall in love, we will express our loves like kissing, snuggling. But if it’s a dachshund, it is much more special and that is licking. Don’t think it is not crude and unsanitary. If you own a dachshund puppy, you will understand that it’s so sweet when your dog licks on your face.

3. Bringing your stuffs and placing around them.

Photo Mabel Stevers‎

When the puppies are so close to their owners, they will like everything of their owners like shoes, stinky socks, t-shirts or even underwear. Specially, your dogs really like to steal dirty shoes and clothes of you. I guess that you don’t like it so much, therefore providing an interesting toy for your dogs is recommended.

4. Waking you up in the morning.

Photo by Aravindaraman Dasappan‎

Do you know? Dachshunds are smarter than you thought. They know that you need to wake up in time for working. The mischievous puppies will not hesitate to climb into bed lick your face, pull your legs and do anything until you get up. What is more amazing than having a mobile alarm clock?

5. Smiling at you.

Photo by Silvia Vellozo

Research showed that dachshund puppies can learn to smile because they have seen their owners do the same. And when you see your dogs smiling, it usually means they are contented and happy. Do you see that your dogs are super cute when they are smiling at you?

6. Following you everywhere.

Photo by Maro Marchena-Vargas‎

You feel lonely? Don’t worry because there is a loyal friend he is willing to go with you to everywhere you want. Dachshunds are not afraid of suffering as long as you are beside them.

7. Laying on you.

Photo by Lacey Bavier‎

Like cats, dachshund puppies always think that they are so tiny in your eyes although they are growing up day by day. That is why your puppies usually like to lay on you especially they really like to be snuggled by you.

8. Waiting for you.

Photo by Ahn Inocencio‎

When you go to work or go somewhere far away, your four-legged friends are days and nights waiting for you like waiting for a lover. Therefore, dachshund owners will not be stranger to stories that loyal dogs always were waiting for their owners for many years and they had not known that their owners had died already. So please respect your dogs.

9. Being jealous.

Photo by Kelly Louise Hucker‎

Do you believe? A dog can get jealous when his owner pays attention to other people, other dogs or other animals. Just like humans, they just want to attach your attention on them. Therefore, if you love your dachshunds, pay attention to them.

10. Protecting you.

Photo by William Carl Runnström

Everyone know that dachshunds are very loyal to their owners, they always protect their owners when there are strangers attaching their owners. When you take your dog for a walk, your puppies will always go ahead to check if there is any danger to the owners. When you are drowning, the dachshunds will not hesitate to jump into the water and drag their owners to shore. Or a newest story that a dachshund died after fighting with a cobra to protect his owner’s family.

Read the story here.

You see, dachshunds are very mischievous and lovely, that is why they are famous and owned around the world. No reasons not to have a dachshund, right? All the photos were collected from Dachshund Bonus Group. Thanks to all members who shared the photos.

It is great to have a dachshund accompany you around the world, right?

Top 12 Secrets About Dachshunds That Will Make You Surprised

Do you know? The ancestor of dachshunds was hunting dogs who were bred to hunt badgers and other tunneling animals, rabbits, and foxes. Dachshunds are also called sausage dogs, hot dogs, wiener, doxie dogs… Dachshund puppies are special little dogs with addicting personalities. They’re so cute and full of attitude.

1. Dachshunds are special dogs.

Photo by Nitsuga Kram Nek‎

They are a special body, long back and short legs. That is why dachshunds are so agile and active.

2. Their senses are superior to the other dogs.

Photo by Janet Shankland-Huggins‎

They have inherited these senses from their ancestor, as being hunting dogs in the past. Therefore, dachshunds have a good sense of smell. Their senses are better than other dogs. Even it’s been estimated that dogs can identify smells somewhere between 1,000 to 10,000 times better than humans!

3. They are the best friends.

Photo by Hunter Ellis‎

Dachshunds are the best friends of humans and we all know this. Simply they are just the most lovable, crazy, funny and smart dogs in the world. They love to be around you, just be by your side to protect you, play together with you all day.

4. They have a long lifespan.

Photo by David Dorsett‎

The average dachshund lifespan is slightly over 12.5 years and it means that the dachshund or called doxie life expectancy is slightly higher than the average for purebred dog breeds recognized by the U.K. Kennel Club.

5. Dachshunds are really mature once they are one-year-old.

Photo by Carrie Ryan Foote‎

From 12 months and on, your dachshund will be close to its emotional maturity level and should be fully grown, reaching its ultimate size.

6. They are very emotional.

Photo by Raven Lyne Dela Cruz‎

Although, dachshunds used to be hunting dogs, they are very emotional to their owners and they also want to be treated like that.

7. Dachshunds are very loyal.

Photo by Lean Ojeda Rogers‎

Modern dachshunds are not hunting dogs, however they are still brave and they are really warriors. They are willing to sacrifice their life to protect their owners.

View an article: A touched story of a loyal dachshund.

8. They love to be hugged and caressed.

Photo by Amanda Taylor‎

Not like other dogs which do not like to be hugged at all. Dachshunds really like that, they will feel warm if they are hugged by their owners. Besides, dachshund puppies also feel pleased when the owner caresses or combs their hairs.

9. Dachshunds have an abundance of energy.

Photo by Hunter Ellis‎

Like their ancestor hunting dogs, they are very active and agile so that they can hunt small animals. So don’t be surprised if you see a dachshund always runs around your house all day.

10. Dachshunds really like to play outdoor.

Photo by Hunter Ellis‎

Like other dogs, dachshunds like to play outdoor. Do you believe? They can play all day.

11. They consider their owner as a member of their herd.

Photo by Vickie Bell Eichelberger‎

Like other hunting dogs, dachshunds will always consider you as a member of their herd. Therefore, they will do anything to protect you.

12. They don’t like to be cuddled for long.

Photo by Ashly Watson‎

Although dachshunds like to be cuddled and caressed but they also play outdoor, so keeping the dogs beside you for hours is not a good idea. Let your dachshund puppies freely play on the yard or in the park and it is better for them.

You see, dachshunds are very mischievous and lovely, that is why they are famous and owned in around the world. I would like to tell you why you should consider owning a dachshund next time you’re looking to expand your canine family, and why dachshunds are such a wonderful dog. All the photos were collected from Dachshund Bonus Group. Thanks to all members who shared the photos.

Comment the reasons you love dachshunds.

12 Funny Signs Showing That Dachshunds Think They Are Superstars

No one can be compared to dachshunds. From their excitement when seeing us to their loyalty, a funny dachshund is the only companion I’ll ever truly need. On your best days, the worst, and each day in between, dachshunds have never failed to make your day even better than the moment before. You will not know what you would do without these adorable friends, and luckily, you never will need to find out.

But, did you ever recognize that sometimes dachshunds show that they are models or superstars? I think the reason is that you give your best love to them and let them feel the best life.

12 Funny signs below prove that dachshunds think they are models or superstars.

1. They lay their back on the ground.

Photo by Garfield Andrew‎

They have special bodies, long back and short legs. Dachshunds always lay their backs on the ground to pose for photos.

2. Observing the world from the sky.

Photo by Diana Whitmore-Monaco‎

Many owners like to bring their dachshund puppies when they are going to go travelling. Even someone takes dachshunds together on a plane. When observing the world from the sky, dachshunds may think they are superstars and they feel excited with that.

3. Sunbathing in summer.

Photo by Elaine Rodriguez‎

Dachshunds love laying in the sun. They have favorite spot to sunbath in front of the window. Dachshunds love that because they feel goods and it is a good source of Vitamin D for them. Besides, they do that simply they think that they are special and they are worthy of being treated like that.

4. Showing that they are knowledge.

Photo by Garfield Andrew‎

Are not like other dogs, dachshunds like to disguise into a professor, a model or whatever they like. Just for taking photos.

5. Immersing in a flower field.

Photo by Toby Heinz‎

I am not sure whether dachshunds like flowers or not. Maybe they just want to be outstanding dogs between beautiful flowers.

6. Standing by a statue.

Photo by Ruth Bernard‎

Dachshunds think that human consider them as legends. It’s true because we made statues of dachshunds, didn’t us?

7. Having a great birthday.

Photo by Ysai Castillo‎

When you love your dachshunds and you held a great birthday party for them. They must think and they are the main characters in the world and their life is very beautiful.

8. Catching fashion trends.

Photo from Cutestpaw.com

9. Travelling on a sailing yacht.

Photo by Tiffany Sandrin Dasilva‎

Hello, I am travelling with my mom. Am I cool?

10. Sleeping anywhere they like.

Photo by Frank Fett‎

I don’t care what everybody think about me. It’s simply I am sleepy.

11. Being cool with sunglasses.

Photo by Guillermo Maldonado‎

Dachshunds really like to wear sunglasses especially when they go outside with their owners.

12. In sausage costume.

Photo by Sandra Mazzafera

Hello, I am a model and I am promoting a sausage company.

You see, dachshunds are very mischievous and lovely, that is why they are famous and owned in around the world. No reasons not to have a dachshund, right? All the photos were collected from Dachshund Bonus Group. Thanks to all members who shared the photos.

Share your feeling of your dachshunds.

A Dachshund Disturbing His Owner’s Wedding Because Of Jealousness

Louie, a lovely dachshund interrupted and let his owner get special wedding photos.

When Megan Determan and Chris Kluthe were going to get married together and they wanted to have a beautiful and romantic wedding photos album in Autumn. The couple decided to take photos with falling leaves and the cute dachshund of Megan.

However, the dachshund named Louie had got his own plan. He will disturb his owner when the owner was taking wedding photos. The romantic photos became funny photos because the dachshund always jumped and tossed the leaves into the air.

The mischievous dachshund buried himself in the dry leaves, he excitedly flung himself up, biting the leaves and completely ruining romantic engagement photos.

Chris and Megan said that the dachshund Louie loved to play on the fallen leaves, however they did not expect that Louie had gone beyond the limit, he messed everything up in front of the camera.

Karin Berdal, a photographer who captured the funny photos said that “I was hoping to capture beautiful and great engagement photos of Megan and Chris, but Louie really flung himself right in front of the camera, it caused the future groom Chris disappeared from the photos.”

It was not the first time Louie disturb his owner when taking photos. The photographer guessed “Maybe the dog was jealous”.

In the end, when Megan picked up her dachshund and hugged him, the mischievous dog stopped mischievous. She still loved her dachshund so much because she knew that the dog just be jealous.

Dachshund are also known as sausage dogs, hot dogs, wiener dogs, doxie… They are funny, brave, proud and sly. They always bring happiness to everyone. They are also smart and they sometimes teach their owner a lesson. These dogs are very loyal to their owner however, they are difficult to train.

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