A New Study Finds That Dachshunds Can Help People Increase Longevity

A New Study Finds That Dachshunds Can Help People Increase Longevity

A new study of Swedish scientists showed that owning dachshunds or other dogs will help the owners increase longevity. And do you believe? It can help the owners reduce the risk of death by up to 33%. Many people have been arguing about this study.

Scientists at Uppsala University, Sweden, surveyed 3.4 million Swedish people aged from 40 to 80 and male rate is 48%. The results showed that single people who own dachshunds can reduce the risk of death by up to 33% and the risk of cardiovascular death by 36%

Owning dachshunds helps Swedish people improve their health.

The study results were based on the national database for 12 years in Sweden and were published in Scientific Reports.

Photo by Tanica Maché Fourie‎

In addition, the study showed that owning dachshunds also brings the owners certain health benefits such as reducing blood cholesterol, limiting sudden hypertension, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases because the owners tend to be more active.

“Dachshunds play an important role in limiting the risk of cardiovascular disease and sudden death for single people. These people are also at risk of developing cardiovascular disease and death compared to those who live in a family with multi-member.” Said Mwenya Mubange, a graduate student at Uppsala University.

Photo by Charles Smith‎

The study showed that the benefits are not only for people living alone, they are also the healthy benefits for those who live in a family with multi-members. In particular, the people who often care for dachshunds can reduce the risk of death by up to 11% and reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease by 15%.

 “Besides, dachshunds are also considered pets which can support their owner on spiritual side, and I have seen that in my experience. The four-legged friends helped me reduce stress in stressful situations. In addition, they can also help me ease pain.” Added Dr. Sue Kim, an internal medicine doctor at Stanford Health Care.

In addition, scientists believe that dogs help boost the immune system thanks to dirt what the dogs bring to the house. Besides, the four-legged friends can also help children reduce asthma and allergies. And for the adults, the dogs can help them reduce stress, restore blood pressure quickly after stressful events.

Photo by Jackie Garcia‎

The study is true only in Sweden?

Almost people did not agree with the about results. According to The Verge News, this study still exists and there are many factors affect the study results.

For example, people who live alone and own dachshunds all have a lower risk of heart disease and they are healthy. Physical health of each person will be different, even after adjusting for smoking factors, body indicators and socio-economic status.

Photo by Sharon Forte‎

According to The Time News, the study was performed on almost Swedes, it’s probably true for some European countries where there are the same standard of living, culture, and dog ownership thinking… But are Asia or other countries culture the same results? That is still a question for researchers to solve in the future.

In addition, CNN News stated that although the study provided strong evidence of health benefits when owning dachshunds. But it had not resolved the question that whether it is depended on age, living style, living condition…

Dachshunds are the rare breeds that, because of their small size, are good for both hunting and urban living. Therefore, they help their owner do more exercise and have a healthy lifestyle.

Photo by Bruna Maria Mc Kenna‎

“When living in a cold environment, dachshunds will want to be walked by their owners. And in hot climates, they just want to be in the yard and do not want to go out. Besides, it also depends on the behavior and health of the people. It’s difficult to get the exact result when the study performed in Sweden and applied for the US” said Fall, veterinarian and epidemiologist professor at school Swedish university

Some people have other opinions that when talking about relieving stress, many people like to own other dogs or even other animals like cats. And of course, these animal can help the owners have a good health.

Scientists Have Proved That Losing A Dachshund Is More Painful Than Losing A Lover

As a dachshund lover, you must love your dachshunds so much because they are very lovely. And can you figure out how much painful if one day your dachshunds left you away? In fact, many people do not dare to own dachshunds or other dogs for the second time because they cannot overcome the pain of loss.

Mr. Frank T. McAndrew, a professor of psychology at Knox University said that “Recently, my wife and I had to go through unforgettable pain when a four-legged friend died. I still remembered his gaze before he was talking his last breath. There are many people who were surprised when my family expressed mourning for Murphy, they thought that is was simply an outrageous emotion because it was just a dog.”

However, if you are a dog especially a dachshund lover, you will know that this story is true and agree that dogs are not simply dogs.

Photo by Bruna Maria Mc Kenna

My friends even complained because I was extremely sadder than losing a relative. However, it is a lame comparison because many researches have shown that losing a dachshund or other dog is as terrible as losing a person you love. On the contrary, there is no way to help you reduce pain if your puppy has gone.

Perhaps, if everyone is aware of how strong the link between an owner and a dachshund is, he will agree with the sadness.

Photo by Charles Smith

According to many researches, dachshund or dogs have become friends of people over 10,000 years ago. And more specifically, dogs are the only animals that evolved in a special way to accompany humans. According to anthropologist ‘s “Hypothesis”, dog has abandoned the origin of hunting dog ancestors to become a socially skilled pet, learning how to interact from their owners.

In fact, dachshunds bring contentment to their owners more than other people do because they love their owner unconditionally. Therefore, they will protect the owners in case of danger.

Photo by Sue Tallmadge

The researches also showed that the dog’s brain responds to the owner’s compliments as same as feeding them. Dachshunds recognize people and they can learn how to understand their owner’s emotion through facial expressions. Science recognized that dogs can also understand wishes of the owners and can help the owners. And in addition, they will keep away from enemies of their owners and even those who treat them badly.

In fact, people respond positively to the loyal dogs. The dog lovers will get a higher average of happiness and a better health than those who do not love dogs.

Julie Axelrod, a psychologist pointed out that losing a dog is very painful because the owner is not simply losing his pet, he is losing a member of his family which loves him unconditional.

Losing dogs also causes serious disruptions in the owner’s daily routine and lifestyle. Plans, schedules… which are more or less depended on the dogs. These sudden changes are also a source of stress.

Photo by Charlie Salgado‎

According to a recent survey, many owners hear their dachshunds unconsciously after they die. This often happens to those who are deeply attached to their four-legged friends.

When you are very familiar to your dachshund puppies, you must be painful when your puppy has been gone. And you will not dare to own other dogs again because of fear of loss. However, I hope you will overcome this stage soon.

Science Confirms, People Who Often Talk To Their Dachshunds Are Smarter

People who usually communicate with animals are said to be related to social intelligence. Scientists have shown that people who always talk to their dachshund puppies are smart people.

Have you ever seen your friends or your family talk to dachshunds? Maybe even you are the one who loves to pet dogs. Think about it, is the first you do in the morning or when you get home from work is talking to your dachshunds. You will ask about their day, whether they are happy or not? Remember my words, you are not an eccentric one, you are a happy and a smart human.

Photo by Lucie Plzáková‎

Researchers from Chicago University pointed out: people have the prosopopoeial ability are smarter than others. They will apply human characteristics to non-human subjects. For example, you raise a dachshund puppy, you will give him a name, you take care of him, talk to him, play with him every day. You believe that he will understand what you are saying, he will sympathize with your feeling. He even has his own feeling, he knows what is happiness, sadness, anger, nostalgia, etc. This is a manifestation of people with high intellectual indicators.

In countries like China, Korea, Japan, young couples have even limited childbirth and started raising pets as their own children. This is not a sign of childishness or stupidity but a unique human behavior – the most intelligent species, capable of recognizing everything.

Pets are almost never betrayed us and sometimes, they can help and protect their owners. Therefore, it is not a surprise that sometimes we feel need to share our emotions and happiness and sadness in our lives with them.

Photo by Haley Brooke Thornton‎

There are many people consider their dogs as “family members”, always play with them, even share the deepest secrets with them. It has been proved that people with these behaviors often have an extremely sensitive mind, from which they can understand the language of other creatures through some certain senses. Their brainwave waves can analyze seemingly meaningless sounds into a communicative language.

This phenomenon is explainable since we talked to dolls, teddy bears, toys just like we were talking to our friends so it is completely normal if you talk to dachshunds. It seems like dachshunds are not answering you, however, they are making you a smarter person.

Other benefits of raising and petting your puppies:

Uppsala University has proven that those who own dogs also have high resistance and reduce the risk of asthma and cardiovascular disease and help you live longer, love your life more.

Photo by Lacey Bavier‎

According to the analysis of medical records from 3.4 million Swedes (48% of them are men and the average age is 57), with information of their medical history, expenses and lifestyle (with or without raising dachshunds), the researchers discovered that “by supporting social activities as well as helping to motivate physical activities, dachshunds play a big role in limiting the risk of cardiovascular disease of their owners.”.Dachshund owners will often have higher physical activity (play with them, walk, exercise with them …), which is the explanation for those results above. And yet, those who raise and truly love dachshunds will have a happy soul (because there is always a member who loves you or will be loved by you). Thanks to them you will have more chance to boost your social relationships. Another important thing is that contact with dachshunds regularly enhances the resistance of the germs in the body.

People who usually communicate with animals are said to be related to social intelligence. Scientists have shown that people who always talk to their dachshund puppies are smart people.

Have you ever seen your friends or your family talk to dachshunds? Maybe even you are the one who loves to pet dogs. Think about it, is the first you do in the morning or when you get home from work is talking to your dachshunds. You will ask about their day, whether they are happy or not? Remember my words, you are not an eccentric one, you are a happy and a smart human.

Researchers from Chicago University pointed out: people have the prosopopoeial ability are smarter than others. They will apply human characteristics to non-human subjects. For example, you raise a dachshund puppy, you will give him a name, you take care of him, talk to him, play with him every day. You believe that he will understand what you are saying, he will sympathize with your feeling. He even has his own feeling, he knows what is happiness, sadness, anger, nostalgia, etc. This is a manifestation of people with high intellectual indicators.

Photo by Samanntha Rojas‎

In countries like China, Korea, Japan, young couples have even limited childbirth and started raising pets as their own children. This is not a sign of childishness or stupidity but a unique human behavior – the most intelligent species, capable of recognizing everything.

Pets are almost never betrayed us and sometimes, they can help and protect their owners. Therefore, it is not a surprise that sometimes we feel need to share our emotions and happiness and sadness in our lives with them.

There are many people consider their pet as “family member”, always play with them, even share the deepest secrets with them. It has been proved that people with these behaviors often have an extremely sensitive mind, from which they can understand the language of other creatures through some certain senses. Their brainwave waves can analyze seemingly meaningless sounds into a communicative language.

This phenomenon is explainable since we talked to dolls, teddy bears, toys just like we were talking to our friends so it is completely normal if you talk to dachshunds. It seems like dachshunds are not answering you, however, they are making you a smarter person.

Other benefits of raising and petting your puppies:

Uppsala University has proven that those who own dogs also have high resistance and reduce the risk of asthma and cardiovascular disease and help you live longer, love your life more.

According to the analysis of medical records from 3.4 million Swedes (48% of them are men and the average age is 57), with information of their medical history, expenses and lifestyle (with or without raising dachshunds), the researchers discovered that “by supporting social activities as well as helping to motivate physical activities, dachshunds play a big role in limiting the risk of cardiovascular disease of their owners”.

Photo by Dee Shaw‎

Dachshund owners will often have higher physical activity (play with them, walk, exercise with them, …), which is the explanation for those results above. And yet, those who raise and truly love dachshunds will have a happy soul (because there is always a member who loves you or will be loved by you). Thanks to them you will have more chance to boost your social relationships. Another important thing is that contact with dachshunds regularly enhances the resistance of the germs in the body.

What reasons make you love your dachshunds? Please comment.

Scientists Found That Dachshund Lovers Love Their Puppies More Than Other Humans

One day, if you had to choose one from a dachshund and a human when they were in danger. You only had a chance, you would prefer to save the dachshund? The answer is that most people will decide to save the dachshund.

If the people owning dachshunds, they will love their four-legged friends so much because dachshunds treat them like kids. Besides, they prefer to spend their time with their dachshund puppies rather than their friends or relatives.

Researchers from Northwestern University of Colorado showed that most people will sympathize with a dachshund rather than a human. There were 260 students engaging the research, they read a fake news saying about a beaten human and a dachshund. The result was surprising, it showed that most the of students prefer to save the dachshund rather than the human.

The fake news gave that the victims were attacked by a stranger and trying to leave with one broken leg and many injuries all over body. And almost the students felt empathy for the dachshund rather than the human.

Besides, scientists also found that dachshund owners will not have problems spending much money for their four-legged friends, some of them are even willing to spend as much money as possible as long as their puppies feel happy. In addition, the study also showed that dog lovers are willing to raise money for charity to help dogs rather than humans.

The students were not told what the experiment was about in order to get an accurate result. The question is the experiment is that if the students had $100, how much would they donate to help dogs and how much for humans. And do you believe? Almost they had spent $70 to help dogs and just $30 for humans.

Moreover, the study showed that dachshund owners or dog owners are also close to their pets. Dachshunds will be excited when their owners pay attention to them. That was what the researching team said and the study was done and published in the Journal of Scientific Reports.

The scientists also added that dachshunds or other dogs often express on their faces. They raise their eyebrows and even make their eyes bigger when they want to get attention from their owners.

The study also showed that the dog facial expressions are largely unconscious movements, that reflect internal sentiments, it could be a better route of communication between the owner and a dog.

However, the study didn’t make dog trainers surprised. They already knew it and they expected such a result. Russell Hartstein said: Dachshunds or other dogs are willing to give us their unconditional love and many people are close to their pets rather than other people.

Do you love your dachshunds more than other people? Leave a comment.

Dachshund Dies In A Fierce Battle With Cobra To Protect Owner’s Family

Dachshund Dies In A Fierce Battle With Cobra To Protect Owner’s Family

A brave dachshund proved last Friday afternoon its loyalty by fighting to its death a venomous cobra to protect its owner’s family in Kidapawan city, Philippines

Miley, one of the two Dachshunds that fought the cobra trying to enter the house of their owner Jaime Selim, died minutes after catching the venom of the cobra.


Based on Selim’s FB post, the cobra tried to enter his house in Barangay Lanao last Friday afternoon. But the two Dachshunds (the black named Miley, and the other one white) stopped the cobra from entering the house.

Footage of the incident from one of Selim’s CCTV cameras shows how the sausage dogs tried to shoo the cobra away by biting the cobra at every chance.

The footage also shows that the more the snake got bitten, the stronger it becomes.

It spewed venom through out the fight.

Both dachshunds were hit by the venomous cobra, but Miley fighting the snake so hard was most badly hit during the fight.

Miley died minutes later into the fight that also killed the cobra.

Meanwhile, the white Dachshund got hit in the eye, but less severely, and survived.  Selim had the white dog treated at a vet center in the city.

Selim was grateful to his dachshunds’ “exceptional courage” in ensuring his family’s safety. 

Selim, in his post on his Facebook account, said his precious dachshunds saved his one year old girl who was sleeping inside the room at the time the cobra attempted to enter his house.

A further search shows Dachshunds are scent hound breeds that hunt badgers and other tunneling animals, like rabbits and foxes.

Share your thought about this brave dachshund!

From DVM, GMA News

A Dachshund Disturbing His Owner’s Wedding Because Of Jealousness

Louie, a lovely dachshund interrupted and let his owner get special wedding photos.

When Megan Determan and Chris Kluthe were going to get married together and they wanted to have a beautiful and romantic wedding photos album in Autumn. The couple decided to take photos with falling leaves and the cute dachshund of Megan.

However, the dachshund named Louie had got his own plan. He will disturb his owner when the owner was taking wedding photos. The romantic photos became funny photos because the dachshund always jumped and tossed the leaves into the air.

The mischievous dachshund buried himself in the dry leaves, he excitedly flung himself up, biting the leaves and completely ruining romantic engagement photos.

Chris and Megan said that the dachshund Louie loved to play on the fallen leaves, however they did not expect that Louie had gone beyond the limit, he messed everything up in front of the camera.

Karin Berdal, a photographer who captured the funny photos said that “I was hoping to capture beautiful and great engagement photos of Megan and Chris, but Louie really flung himself right in front of the camera, it caused the future groom Chris disappeared from the photos.”

It was not the first time Louie disturb his owner when taking photos. The photographer guessed “Maybe the dog was jealous”.

In the end, when Megan picked up her dachshund and hugged him, the mischievous dog stopped mischievous. She still loved her dachshund so much because she knew that the dog just be jealous.

Dachshund are also known as sausage dogs, hot dogs, wiener dogs, doxie… They are funny, brave, proud and sly. They always bring happiness to everyone. They are also smart and they sometimes teach their owner a lesson. These dogs are very loyal to their owner however, they are difficult to train.

Is this dachshund cute?

Share your thought about this dachshund!

From Boredpanda

Dachshunds The Most Loyal Dogs In The World

You must admire a dachshund which was patiently waiting and walking with his 70 years old owner. Someone would not believe in such a loyal dog.

There was a video showing an old owner walking with his dachshund and the special thing that makes everyone touched and that was a dachshund, he waited until his owner reached then he walked and repeated. The worth mentioning is that the dachshund was extremely patient, although his owner walked so slowly, he still waited and walked slowly same as his owner.

Sometimes there can be nothing worse than being out with a slow walker.

But one faithful hound remained unfazed, even though his owner, bent nearly double, was moving at a very slow pace.

A heartwarming video shows the pair shuffling along the pavement in what is believed to be in South America.

Some people had to patiently watch the video until it ended because everything in the video were moving so slowly. Therefore, the dachshund’s behavior was honorable and some people did not think that there was such a loyal dog.

“What a precious dachshund, he was patient, full of love to his owner” said a person who watched the video.

“The owner had to move difficultly on the road but no one helped except his own dachshund. This is so terrible and it makes me sad” said another person who felt sad after watching the video.

“It is wonderful! The old owner had to take care of his dachshund as a close friend and the dog had a deep respect for him. Their affection is so precious.” said another person.

Dachshunds The Most Loyal Dogs In The World

This is just a normal story but it’s special and is a lesson for us to know how to treasure our pets because they love you and understand your love, therefore they will be unconditionally loyal to you.

If you know other precious behaviors of dachshund, please comment below.

You may like to read: Dachshund Dies In A Fierce Battle With Cobra To Protect Owner’s Family

Two Dachshund Getting Lost In A Case Of A Lion And The Result Will Make You Surprised

There are two lovely dachshunds which get lost in a case of a lion in a zoo. All visitors who saw that with their own eyes were fear for the dachshunds. However, the lion approach and lick the dachshunds, they also play together.

Greater Wynnewood Exotic Animal Park in Wynnewood, Oklahoma, USA is one of the weird zoos. This place is home of more than 1400 wild animals.

This park was founded in 1997 by Springer family, Oklahoma wanted to commemorate their youngest son Schreibvoger. They built up the zoo to give people opportunity to interact with animals to understand and community with them.

A lion and dachshunds. Picture of video

There was a lion in the zoo weighing over 500 pounds (about 227 kg). That was an African lion named Bonedigger.

Bonedigger is so adorable, he lived in the zoo for a long time. He is very friendly and happy, he liked to curl up his body on the ground. He liked to take pictures with human and especially he always showed off his stomach.

Bonedigger had been growing by human since he was young, so he wasn’t almost wild and he loved to be friends with human. And Bonedigger got a very lovely small friend, a dachshund named Abby weighing 11 pounds (about 5 kg), the small friend has light brown hair.

A lion and dachshunds. Picture of video

“I have never seen any strange friendship like this”, said the Zoo director John Reikene. “There is a very beautiful friendship between the dachshund and the lion”. Bonedigger and Abby are the same age, and they played together as brothers when they were young. As they were growing up together, Abby and Bonedigger’s friendship is extremely deep. Although there are 4 dachshunds in the zoo, Bonedigger is only close to Abby. He did not care how many people watching him, he still plays with the dachshund.

A friendship between a lion and a dachshund

The people often caught that Bonedigger lay sprawled on his stomach on the ground even though Abby rolled and crawled on him. Abby even put himself in Bonedigger’s mouth to be licked and cuddled by the lion.

The friendship between Abby and Bonedigger makes many people feel warm, some people even said it as a testament to a friendship that comes from the heart and not everyone has it.


Comment what you think about friendship between the lion and the dachshund.

A Giant Dachshund And Spunky Facts

Many people who just saw the picture below and they had to utter that they had never seen such a dachshund. Why is the dog so huge?

“Vivian is the name of the giant dachshund, he has the appearance same as other short-legged dachshund breeds. However, thanks to an owner Mitch Boyer, a photographer who had turned the dachshund into a giant dachshund.

Mitch Boyer said that he loves his dachshund puppy so much and he would like to make a wonderful thing for the dog. And one day, he used Photoshop to turn his dachshund from a small short dog to more stature”

Vivian doesn’t look like typical dachshund, she looks like a giant dog when walking with her owner on the city.

Photoshopped photos made many people surprised about the giant dachshund.

Vivian became a giant dachshund thanks to the magic hand of her owner

Vivian thinks she is just as big as the city we live in. Boyer said.

The photoshopped photo, it looks so real.

Real size of the dachshund Vivian

Finally, the dachshund is cute, isn’t she?

10 Signs Your Dachshund Really Loves You

If you can talk and understand what your dachshund says, your life will be more interesting. Then you can know why your dachshund bark at a broom or hide beneath a bed when there are thunderstorms.

Recently, there are some signs found and they help us understand more about our dogs. These signs are not sure 100% correct but if you pay attention to them, you can understand how is love your dachshund wants to give to you.

1. Looking straight into your eyes

Photo by Christy Lewis‎

In a conversation, Brian Hare, a dachshund trainer said: “If the dog is trying to hug you with those eyes.  When you play with your dachshund, a hormone called oxytocin released and this hormone helps mothers and their children become more closely connected.

You can do this experiment: Let the dachshund play alone for a long time and look straight into his eyes. He will feel uncomfortable and turn away. But if you play with your dachshund and also look straight into his eyes and you will see the difference.

2. Yawning when you yawn

Photo by Natalie Dennis‎

Yawning is a possible “transmission” reaction. But did you know that yawning is not just a reaction between people? Your dachshund can read your emotions and he will also yawn when his owner yawn.

Scientists have found that the spread of a person-to-person yawn comes from the empathy. But for dachshunds or other dogs, it is impossible to conclude where the reason for yawning is from. But it is very likely that the dachshund yawning with the owner shows the close relationship between the owner and the dachshund.

3. Leaning on you

Photo by Aubrey Jean Nolan‎

Dachshunds always want to be cared. Sometimes the dog will head, lean on you to get your attention, or want you to walk him. You can see the feelings of your dachshund even when he is panicking and rushing at you, it shows that the dog considers you as a solid refuge.

4. Holding you after a meal

Photo by David Ariza‎

In the book How Dogs Love Us, the author Gregory Berns says if after meals, dachshunds want to lay in your lap, it means they love you very much.

Everyone knows that dachshunds or other animals love to eat. But according to Berns, once eaten, the dog’s next action will show what is important to them, in addition to eating. Watch out every morning or every night, after feeding them, how the dogs will react to you.

5. Wiggling eyebrows

Photo by Nina McDaniel

We all know that dachshunds always use their tails to express their emotions. But just a few people know that the dachshunds’ face also shows more emotions. In Japan, there is a research that the people will place the dachshunds and other dogs in different situations, with strangers, with parents and with things they don’t like. When the dogs meet their parents, they will raise their eyebrow (especially the left eyebrow). When the dogs meet strangers, their faces often look no expression. When the dogs see familiar toys, left ear of the dogs will move backwards. If it is a thing that they hate, the right ear moves.

6. Silently looking at you when you are walking

Photo by Nikola Ćulibrk

Most the people think that the dachshund will get into a state of panic when you get out of your house it is a sign that the dog loves you so much.

However, the fact is not really. According to Gregory Berns, when a dachshund gets panicky when you get out of your house, it is a sign that your dog is anxious instead of loving you. On the other hand, if he keeps calm and stay in the house, it means that he believes you will return to him.

7. Being happy when you come home

Photo by Birdie Wood‎

We all feel special when opening the door and the dachshund wagging his tail happily, jumping up and down like kangaroos. And that is a very specific way of expressing the sentiments of dogs. Their love is shows clearly.

8. Sleeping with you in your bed

Photo by Nathan Ranie

There is a way to know whether your dachshund loves you or not, that is finding the place he sleeps.

Although, this way has not been verified, according to Gregory Berns, if a dachshund sleep with you in your bed, it means he does not want to leave you.

9. Bringing you toys

Photo by Lisa Conner Cains

If a puppy brings you his favorite toys, it means he wants to play with you not only playing with the toys and this sign shows that the dachshund thinks you are a leader and he wants to give you the best he owns.

10. Enjoying your love

Photo by Olivia Barrow

Do you love your dachshund? If you do, your dachshund loves you too. Author Gregory Berns wrote that dogs can feel their owner’s love so if you don’t love your dogs, the dogs won’t love you either.

If you know other signs showing that your dachshund loves you. Comment below.