11 Things Dachshund Owners May Not Understand

11 Things Dachshund Owners May Not Understand

A lover you may not need however a dachshund is a must-have because these four-legged friends are the most loyal to the human. You have to love and care for your dachshund in order to keep a good friendship between you and your doxie dog.

Below is a collection that your cute sausage dog would like to send to you via his actions and understand more about your dachshund.

1. Communicating via the eyes.

Photo by Dyan Aurea Castro‎

Researchers from Japan found that when a puppy looks at you with a normal face and that means he is satisfied. The research also said that Oxytocin (the love hormone) would be increased quickly when the dogs look their owner.

2. Bringing everything to you

Photo by Kavishka Perera‎

Generally, a dachshund will bring a toy or what he likes to a side playing along. But, if the dog brings some things and give them to you, that means the he loves you and he would like to give you a gift.

3. Lifting one leg up

Photo by Michelle Krause‎

When your cute dachshund looks at one thing and lifts his leg up. Don’t think that he is going to pee. Actually he is preparing to hunt an animal especially a bird.

4. Cowering body

Photo by Sandra Whitson‎

When your dachshund bend down his head and try to keep his body look shrunk, this is a sign of a fear of a threat.

5. Tearing stuffs

Photo by Lisa Conner Cains

If your dachshund is trained, he may tear some stuffs in your house because he feels boring or he is afraid of being abandoned. If he still tears things even he is trained already, that means he is full of energy, you need to walk him or let him work out more.

6. Siting on your feet

Photo by Jesus Lamas‎

There are many reasons your dachshund can do this. If he is worried about separation, this is a common way to try to comfort himself by being closer to you. If he envies another dogs, your dachshund would like to show that you are for him only.

If not above, your puppy probably just wants to be around you.

7. Yawning

Photo by Natalie Dennis

Dachshunds don’t just yawn when they are tired, they can also do the same when they are stressed or feared. If your dachshund yawns around strangers, it is a sign that he does not dislike and feels uncomfortable with him.

8. Relying on you

Photo by Teresa Howe-Klesath‎

If your dachshund relies on you, it means he is wanting to get your attention, cuddle and show affection to you. This action can also help the dog feel safer.

9. Sticking out tongue

Photo by Lori Vizier

When the dachshund’s tongue extends out of the mouth and withdraws immediately, this is often a sign of discomfort, or an unwanted stranger making him worry.

10. Wanting to sleep beside you

Photo by Tessa England‎

Not only the dachshund likes to sleep on your bed, but he also wants to be close to you. There are conflicting opinions about whether letting dogs sleep beside you or not, most veterinarians don’t see any danger unless you are allergic to pets or asthma.

11. Calmly staring at you when you leave the house

Photo by Kylie Zatler‎

If your dachshund silently observes you when you leave the house, this is a good sign. If not, if he has a feeling of separation, anxiety and he can destroy furniture or howling in the house when you go out.

10 Signs You Love Your Dachshund More Than Other People.

Some people love dachshunds like a woman loves an adorable puppy or simply they see that it is very cute. Or some people like to do selfie with their dog all day and when they have to go out, they will miss their dachshund so much.

Do you see yourself the same?

Here are 10 signs that you may be giving more love to your dachshund than paying attention to other people:

Photo by Alan Welham‎

1. You like watching horror movies but you are extremely scared if your dachshund is injured.

Photo by Cassandra Starr‎

2. You don’t want to go out with your friend just because you prefer to stay at home playing with your puppy

Photo by Allison Belle‎

3. You will feel uncomfortable if you see other people who are not neat and tidy, but when your sausage dog spreads messy toys everywhere and you feel it is so lovely.

Photo by Frank Fett‎

4. If a friend come to play with you, but she does not care of your dachshund. Next time, you will not invite her to come to your house again.

Photo by Patrick Foreman

5. You feel very happy when your puppy is sleeping on your lap even that make you cannot move.

6. You don’t like to share your food with anyone except your puppy.

Photo by Stephanie MizzJhet Fulbright‎

7. You will be upset when someone take over your place but you are please if your dachshund does that.

Photo by Xu Wei

8. You get irritated if your traveling companions are too slow, but it is no problem when your dachshund stops to sniff grass.

Photo by Austin Sangalang‎

9. You are always eager to run home to play with your dachshund

Photo by Teresa Howe-Klesath‎

10. If someone says: “It’s just a dog”, you won’t want to talk to that person again!