A Giant Dachshund And Spunky Facts

A Giant Dachshund And Spunky Facts

Many people who just saw the picture below and they had to utter that they had never seen such a dachshund. Why is the dog so huge?

“Vivian is the name of the giant dachshund, he has the appearance same as other short-legged dachshund breeds. However, thanks to an owner Mitch Boyer, a photographer who had turned the dachshund into a giant dachshund.

Mitch Boyer said that he loves his dachshund puppy so much and he would like to make a wonderful thing for the dog. And one day, he used Photoshop to turn his dachshund from a small short dog to more stature”

Vivian doesn’t look like typical dachshund, she looks like a giant dog when walking with her owner on the city.

Photoshopped photos made many people surprised about the giant dachshund.

Vivian became a giant dachshund thanks to the magic hand of her owner

Vivian thinks she is just as big as the city we live in. Boyer said.

The photoshopped photo, it looks so real.

Real size of the dachshund Vivian

Finally, the dachshund is cute, isn’t she?

20 Benefits Of Being a Dachshund Owner You Didn’t Know

Dachshunds are not only close friends of humans, they also bring many surprise benefits that not everyone knows. Dachshund Bonus listed 20 reasons you should have a dachshund puppy by your side.

1. Dachshunds have been close friends of humans for thousands of years.

Photo by Brigitte Lucke‎

2. They like to protect your house.

Photo by Kristine Jansone‎

3. They help you reduce stress.

Photo by Teresa Horne James‎

If you feel tired of work, playing with your cute dachshund puppies is one of the most effective ways to reduce stress.

4. They also sympathize with your sadness.

Photo by Jackie Kent‎

5. They help their owners feel happier.

Photo by Jestine Brewer‎

According to statistics, people who have one or more dachshunds in their homes lead happier lives, are considerably healthier, live longer and weigh less than those who don’t.

6. Do you believe? Dachshund help you feel safer whenever you go out.

Photo by Dwight Guey‎

7. They will always love you unconditionally.

Photo by Iris Davila‎

8. They will always loyal to you absolutely.

Dachshunds are special loyal to their owners (even when their owners have died).

You may like to read: Dachshunds The Most Loyal Dogs In The World

9. They help their owners do exercise and improve health.

Photo by Grace Simmons Miller‎

10. Dachshunds help you improve ability to socialize.

Photo by Brigitte Lucke‎

11. They help you feel less lonely when you get older.

Photo by Jeffrey Sullivan‎

12. They never leave you when you get difficult.

Photo by Nicole Deal‎

13. They help you reduce your risk of heart attack.

Photo by Damian Key Reynolds‎

Research shows that stroking dachshunds helps you feel more relaxed and happy, it helps the dachshund owners reduce the risk of heart attack. In addition, dachshund owners will be recovered faster after a stroke.

14. Do you believe? Dachshunds can help you detect cancer early.

Photo by Deborah Wood Jellyman‎

Research shows that dachshunds or other dogs have a wonderful sense of smell, they can diagnose early cancer with an accuracy of 70-90%.

15. Dachshunds can help you detect and alert seizures early.

Photo by Stephen Hall‎

Research shows that dachshunds can alert a seizure to people with epilepsy before it happens.

16. They help reduce the risk of allergies in children.

Photo by Aline Souza Brito‎

If your babies like to play with dachshund puppies and they often contact with the dogs, it helps your babies increase their resistance and reduce allergies with other animals.

17. They are useful for children with autism.

Photo by Aline Souza Brito‎

Scientists said that when children with autism are playing with dachshund puppies, the babies look more clearly significant advances. In fact, there are many stories of children escaping from autism thanks to contacting with dogs. (example photo).

18. They help children get healthier.

Photo by Raquel Garcia‎

Many studies show that families with dachshunds or other dogs have healthier children than those families which do not. The reason is that when children are in constant contact with dogs, their immune system is also boosted.

19. The dachshunds can walk the blinds.

Photo by Jeremy Ross

20. And finally, dachshunds are so cute.

Photo by Bruce Allen‎

Comment if you know other reasons you love dachshunds!

Top Awesome Names For Dachshunds

If you are a dachshund lover, you have to get crazy because they are super cute. Dachshunds are not only loved but they are also friends of humans and they can protect their owner’s house. When you own a cute puppy, choosing a name for your dog is important so Dachshund Bonus would like to hint for you a list of dachshund names. Choose a cute name for yours.

Names for male dachshunds

Photo by Teresa Holley


Photo by Deidra Potter-Snider‎


Photo by Patty Rebuck‎


Names for female dachshunds

Photo by Christine Lyons Bittner


Photo by Saiikaw Pavinon‎


Comment if you know other names for dachshunds.

18 Funny Reasons Why You Should Not Own A Dachshund

If you want to breed dachshunds, I have to let you know 20 reasons below so that make you think again because you may not have figured out how cute they are.

1. They never sleep.

Photo by Sione Cristina da Costa‎

2. They are very difficult to be trained, I am really sure about that.

Photo by Deanna Frye-Fink‎

3. They are scary.

Photo by Leilani Sanchez‎

4. It’s really a nightmare if you and your dachshund go shopping.

Photo by Kerry Oakley‎

5. Wherever dachshund is, that place will be destroyed.

Photo by Amanda Ratner‎

6. Sometimes, you cannot walk them.

Photo by Jeremy Ross

7. It’s not a good idea to put a dachshund indoor.

Photo by Mark Brunelle‎

8. They are not willing to love.

Photo by MaDonna Cox‎

9. They have no weaknesses.

Photo by Жан-Клод Лангерхолц‎

10. They are extremely arrogant and dangerous species.

Photo by Jill Chagnon‎

11. They are not lovely at all.

Photo by Renz Cofreros‎

12. They look scary but they are so shy.

Photo by Lynn Holland Montgomery‎

13. They cannot live peacefully with other dogs.

Photo by Ethan Johnston‎

14. They don’t know how to smile.

Photo by Arianne Sarmiento

15. Living with a dachshund is not same as living with a cat.

Photo by Karito Grime‎

16. Do not let them reach babies.

Photo by Adrianne Elizabeth‎

17. They don’t know how to play by themselves.

Photo by Brandon Perque‎

18. And finally, they are not lovely at all.

Photo by Austin Fulwider

Should you own a dachshund or not? Please comment

13 Reasons Dachshunds Are The Best Dogs

Some people call them dachshunds, wiener dogs, sausage dogs, or hot dogs but I know that they are the best dogs. Dachshunds are humorous because of their personality and many variations. That makes you feel like a Pokemon trainer and you are trying to catch all dachshunds.

1. Dachshunds are dogs with crazy personalities

Photo by Sharon Forte‎

Dachshunds are just small dogs but they think they are one of the biggest dogs. They are not afraid of anything and they are comical, they like to make their owner laugh. Besides, dachshunds are adventurous, smart and stubborn. They are free thinkers, which if not trained properly you will get difficult to manage, but when you train them in the right way it makes your dachshund extremely entertaining.

2. Dachshunds are small but they are real friends.

Photo by Mark Brunelle‎

Dachshunds are surely the small dogs and they are fierce. However, you will be turned off by the idea of small dogs because they never think they are real dogs. Dachshunds belong to the hound and they were bred to hunt small animal especially birth. Dachshunds are very loyal to their owners and they are ideal watchdogs. Besides, they always want to make their owner laugh by crazy activities so you can consider them as good friends.

3. They have a long lifespan.

Photo by Tyler Hamby‎

As small dogs, dachshund tent to have a long lifespan. Generally, a dachshund can live for a period 12 ~ 17 years, even older. Two dachshunds and one mixed dachshund hold places on the list of the 20 oldest dogs on record. Scolly in Mexico, lived for 20 years, Otto (a dachshund-terrier) had been lived for 21 years and one month and the oldest dachshund on record, Chanel in the US, had been lived for 21 years and 114 days. That is why dachshunds are ideal for humans.

4. They are incredibly popular.

Photo by Kara Shank‎

Dachshunds were the 13th most popular dog breed in the United States in 2015. They have beated other popular small breeds like Chihuahuas, Pugs, Boston Terriers… The dachshund’s popularity has also spawned a large community of dachshund owners.

5. They are spread so much joy.

Photo by Kyle S. Antel‎

If you’re a dog owner, you’ll probably be excited to see any dog walk by – but dachshunds spread a special kind of joy that seems unique to them. When you are walking a doxie dog, you will difficult to find a person who does not light up with happiness he see your dog. Dachshunds seem to bring out everyone’s inner happiness, which makes them great candidates to be therapy dogs, and to be your new best friend!

6. They are the most loyal dogs

Do you know? Many famous people owned dachshunds, they are artists such as Pable Picasso, Andy Warhol and David Hockney. Many people love dachshunds because they are the most loyal dog breeds.

You can read more the post: Dachshund Dies In A Fierce Battle With Cobra To Protect Owner’s Family

7. They have great bodies and great brains.

Photo by Nikola Ćulibrk‎

Why do dachshunds have long bodies? They are also called sausage dogs, wiener dogs, they are notorious for long backs and short legs but why do these dogs come in such a special shape? Long body makes dachshunds the most special dogs and you will think of a hot-dog when you see a dachshund. Despite small size and funny body shape, they are actually courageous dogs. They also have a lively and playful attitude.

8. They think they are humans.

Photo by Erick De la Rosa‎

Life can be hard sometimes. Some days we feel link things couldn’t get it worse. Dachshunds likely think that they are humans because they consider their owners as their family. You’d understand just how much a dachshund can turn your bad day around and make you feel better about yourself and your life. I honestly like them more than some humans

9. Dachshunds are known as the smartest dogs.

Photo by jhois

Of course, dachshund is man’s best friend and we all know this. But dachshunds really, really are. They are just the most lovable, funny, crazy, smart dogs in the world, and they will steal your heart.

Jesse the Dachshund does whatever it takes to win a sprint race against four other tiny dogs. Killer, Twinky, and Oliver didn’t stand a chance against this fierce competitor!

10. Dachshunds are so confident.

Photo by Suz Bourcier‎

Dachshunds are just small dogs but they are so confident and they always think they are as big as humans.

11. They can’t steal goods off the counter.

Photo by Ann Marie Turnock‎

As you know, dachshunds are small dogs with short legs, so how can they steal goods off the counter or food on a table.

12. They are human protectors.

Dachshunds were bred to hunt and when there is a person threatening their owners, they will be fiercely protective of their owners. Dachshunds form a special bond with one human, and when their special human is “under attack” (whether that be a tickling or an actual attack), the dogs jump to the rescue, fighting off the aggressor!

13. You cannot get angry at them for more than 5 minutes.

Photo by Shannon John‎

Sometimes, stubborn dachshunds may make you get mad with their crazy activities such as sitting on your laptop, stealing your shoe, tearing toilet paper… However, you cannot get angry for long because they will show apologize on their face when they see that you are not happy or angry.

If you know other reasons, please comment below

Top Dachshund Dog Photos

#1 My babies!!!

Photo by Rodney Gaither

#2 Now here’s a picture of a super cute dachshund to get everyone back on the right track.

Photo by Matěj Straka

#3 Charlie is ready for his walk!!!

Photo by Mark Wiles‎

#4 The clan

Photo by Жан-Клод Лангерхолц‎

#5 At a pool

Photo by Joy Richardson‎

Comment which photos you like!

10 Signs Your Dachshund Really Loves You

If you can talk and understand what your dachshund says, your life will be more interesting. Then you can know why your dachshund bark at a broom or hide beneath a bed when there are thunderstorms.

Recently, there are some signs found and they help us understand more about our dogs. These signs are not sure 100% correct but if you pay attention to them, you can understand how is love your dachshund wants to give to you.

1. Looking straight into your eyes

Photo by Christy Lewis‎

In a conversation, Brian Hare, a dachshund trainer said: “If the dog is trying to hug you with those eyes.  When you play with your dachshund, a hormone called oxytocin released and this hormone helps mothers and their children become more closely connected.

You can do this experiment: Let the dachshund play alone for a long time and look straight into his eyes. He will feel uncomfortable and turn away. But if you play with your dachshund and also look straight into his eyes and you will see the difference.

2. Yawning when you yawn

Photo by Natalie Dennis‎

Yawning is a possible “transmission” reaction. But did you know that yawning is not just a reaction between people? Your dachshund can read your emotions and he will also yawn when his owner yawn.

Scientists have found that the spread of a person-to-person yawn comes from the empathy. But for dachshunds or other dogs, it is impossible to conclude where the reason for yawning is from. But it is very likely that the dachshund yawning with the owner shows the close relationship between the owner and the dachshund.

3. Leaning on you

Photo by Aubrey Jean Nolan‎

Dachshunds always want to be cared. Sometimes the dog will head, lean on you to get your attention, or want you to walk him. You can see the feelings of your dachshund even when he is panicking and rushing at you, it shows that the dog considers you as a solid refuge.

4. Holding you after a meal

Photo by David Ariza‎

In the book How Dogs Love Us, the author Gregory Berns says if after meals, dachshunds want to lay in your lap, it means they love you very much.

Everyone knows that dachshunds or other animals love to eat. But according to Berns, once eaten, the dog’s next action will show what is important to them, in addition to eating. Watch out every morning or every night, after feeding them, how the dogs will react to you.

5. Wiggling eyebrows

Photo by Nina McDaniel

We all know that dachshunds always use their tails to express their emotions. But just a few people know that the dachshunds’ face also shows more emotions. In Japan, there is a research that the people will place the dachshunds and other dogs in different situations, with strangers, with parents and with things they don’t like. When the dogs meet their parents, they will raise their eyebrow (especially the left eyebrow). When the dogs meet strangers, their faces often look no expression. When the dogs see familiar toys, left ear of the dogs will move backwards. If it is a thing that they hate, the right ear moves.

6. Silently looking at you when you are walking

Photo by Nikola Ćulibrk

Most the people think that the dachshund will get into a state of panic when you get out of your house it is a sign that the dog loves you so much.

However, the fact is not really. According to Gregory Berns, when a dachshund gets panicky when you get out of your house, it is a sign that your dog is anxious instead of loving you. On the other hand, if he keeps calm and stay in the house, it means that he believes you will return to him.

7. Being happy when you come home

Photo by Birdie Wood‎

We all feel special when opening the door and the dachshund wagging his tail happily, jumping up and down like kangaroos. And that is a very specific way of expressing the sentiments of dogs. Their love is shows clearly.

8. Sleeping with you in your bed

Photo by Nathan Ranie

There is a way to know whether your dachshund loves you or not, that is finding the place he sleeps.

Although, this way has not been verified, according to Gregory Berns, if a dachshund sleep with you in your bed, it means he does not want to leave you.

9. Bringing you toys

Photo by Lisa Conner Cains

If a puppy brings you his favorite toys, it means he wants to play with you not only playing with the toys and this sign shows that the dachshund thinks you are a leader and he wants to give you the best he owns.

10. Enjoying your love

Photo by Olivia Barrow

Do you love your dachshund? If you do, your dachshund loves you too. Author Gregory Berns wrote that dogs can feel their owner’s love so if you don’t love your dogs, the dogs won’t love you either.

If you know other signs showing that your dachshund loves you. Comment below.

6 Reasons To Love A Man Breeding A Dachshund

There are a lot of reasons to love and admire a man who loves animals especially dachshunds. Dachshund Bonus would like to hint for you the secrets of a man who loves and breeds dachshunds.

1. A man who loves dachshund and he is sentimental and lovely.

Photo by Rhonda Lee Dewees‎

Look at how he takes care of his puppy, the girls can be assured that the guy will take care of them when all gets old. Did you see the man meticulously teach his dogs when he just got the puppy home. Teach puppy how to go to the toilet, how to greet and even bath his dog.

2. The man is careful and hearty

Photo by Terri Shindel‎

The man who loves to own a dachshund, he will be always considerate and meticulous to each meal for the puppy. Take care of the dog to make him healthy so the guy will show his love to his girl in the gentle and considerate way. Especially, always confidently show his affection towards the person he loves.

3. The man loves dachshund is taciturn

Photo by Heather Minter‎

Instead of just saying words of love to you, he often uses his actions to express affection instead of words, just like how he cuddles his dogs.

4. His love is very sincere and deep

Photo by Sherry Roberson Crook‎

You don’t know why? Because sometimes he does not need to say but his dachshund also feels very secure and safe.

5. Always want to protect others

Photo by Bennie Botha‎

Look at how he protects his dachshunds, sometimes you have to be jealous for your dog. So if you steal his heart you will be covered by him all your life.

6. When you love a guy who likes to raise dachshunds you will be treated like his dogs

Photo by Theresa Strate‎

Do you have any more reason for a dog-man to be loved? Please leave comments below.

11 Things Dachshund Owners May Not Understand

A lover you may not need however a dachshund is a must-have because these four-legged friends are the most loyal to the human. You have to love and care for your dachshund in order to keep a good friendship between you and your doxie dog.

Below is a collection that your cute sausage dog would like to send to you via his actions and understand more about your dachshund.

1. Communicating via the eyes.

Photo by Dyan Aurea Castro‎

Researchers from Japan found that when a puppy looks at you with a normal face and that means he is satisfied. The research also said that Oxytocin (the love hormone) would be increased quickly when the dogs look their owner.

2. Bringing everything to you

Photo by Kavishka Perera‎

Generally, a dachshund will bring a toy or what he likes to a side playing along. But, if the dog brings some things and give them to you, that means the he loves you and he would like to give you a gift.

3. Lifting one leg up

Photo by Michelle Krause‎

When your cute dachshund looks at one thing and lifts his leg up. Don’t think that he is going to pee. Actually he is preparing to hunt an animal especially a bird.

4. Cowering body

Photo by Sandra Whitson‎

When your dachshund bend down his head and try to keep his body look shrunk, this is a sign of a fear of a threat.

5. Tearing stuffs

Photo by Lisa Conner Cains

If your dachshund is trained, he may tear some stuffs in your house because he feels boring or he is afraid of being abandoned. If he still tears things even he is trained already, that means he is full of energy, you need to walk him or let him work out more.

6. Siting on your feet

Photo by Jesus Lamas‎

There are many reasons your dachshund can do this. If he is worried about separation, this is a common way to try to comfort himself by being closer to you. If he envies another dogs, your dachshund would like to show that you are for him only.

If not above, your puppy probably just wants to be around you.

7. Yawning

Photo by Natalie Dennis

Dachshunds don’t just yawn when they are tired, they can also do the same when they are stressed or feared. If your dachshund yawns around strangers, it is a sign that he does not dislike and feels uncomfortable with him.

8. Relying on you

Photo by Teresa Howe-Klesath‎

If your dachshund relies on you, it means he is wanting to get your attention, cuddle and show affection to you. This action can also help the dog feel safer.

9. Sticking out tongue

Photo by Lori Vizier

When the dachshund’s tongue extends out of the mouth and withdraws immediately, this is often a sign of discomfort, or an unwanted stranger making him worry.

10. Wanting to sleep beside you

Photo by Tessa England‎

Not only the dachshund likes to sleep on your bed, but he also wants to be close to you. There are conflicting opinions about whether letting dogs sleep beside you or not, most veterinarians don’t see any danger unless you are allergic to pets or asthma.

11. Calmly staring at you when you leave the house

Photo by Kylie Zatler‎

If your dachshund silently observes you when you leave the house, this is a good sign. If not, if he has a feeling of separation, anxiety and he can destroy furniture or howling in the house when you go out.

10 Signs You Love Your Dachshund More Than Other People.

Some people love dachshunds like a woman loves an adorable puppy or simply they see that it is very cute. Or some people like to do selfie with their dog all day and when they have to go out, they will miss their dachshund so much.

Do you see yourself the same?

Here are 10 signs that you may be giving more love to your dachshund than paying attention to other people:

Photo by Alan Welham‎

1. You like watching horror movies but you are extremely scared if your dachshund is injured.

Photo by Cassandra Starr‎

2. You don’t want to go out with your friend just because you prefer to stay at home playing with your puppy

Photo by Allison Belle‎

3. You will feel uncomfortable if you see other people who are not neat and tidy, but when your sausage dog spreads messy toys everywhere and you feel it is so lovely.

Photo by Frank Fett‎

4. If a friend come to play with you, but she does not care of your dachshund. Next time, you will not invite her to come to your house again.

Photo by Patrick Foreman

5. You feel very happy when your puppy is sleeping on your lap even that make you cannot move.

6. You don’t like to share your food with anyone except your puppy.

Photo by Stephanie MizzJhet Fulbright‎

7. You will be upset when someone take over your place but you are please if your dachshund does that.

Photo by Xu Wei

8. You get irritated if your traveling companions are too slow, but it is no problem when your dachshund stops to sniff grass.

Photo by Austin Sangalang‎

9. You are always eager to run home to play with your dachshund

Photo by Teresa Howe-Klesath‎

10. If someone says: “It’s just a dog”, you won’t want to talk to that person again!