Feeding Your Dachshunds Properly

Feeding Your Dachshunds Properly

Taking care of dachshunds scientifically will help them grow properly and become precious.
With the following tips for raising Dachshund, you can imagine the work that you can do in the way of raising Dachshund for the best development and health.
Dachshund is a strange breed with a unique and wise appearance. They are agile, friendly, and this interesting sausage dog has become a popular pet today.

Photo by Carrie Ryan Foote‎

Basically, owning Dachshund is quite simple, they do not require complicated food like other dogs. However, they are quite active and their muscle grows, it is important to provide nutritious food, especially protein.
The amount of protein must account for 22 – 28% of the total daily amount of food, and the fat must account for 12 – 15%. Protein and fat are naturally balanced in fresh foods such as beef, pork, chicken, animal organs and eggs (regular eggs and duck eggs).

For the rest, from 58 – 66% of the weight is fiber, starch, vitamins, and water. These substances are found in vegetables, rice, porridge, cookies, etc.
If the weather is hot, you can give Dachshund ice cream (they love ice cream), this is a good way to cool down and also provide more carbohydrates.
You can use instant food, but you need to choose foods that have the right amount of nutrients.
The lack of some fat in ready-to-eat foods can be supplemented by adding animal fat, such as fish fat, chicken fat or vegetable oil (well mixed into the food when feeding). However, protein deficiency is not allowed because this is the most important ingredient in Dachshund meals.
You should choose a reputable ready-made food, such as the products of Royal Canin – a very famous French cat and dog food company, which is trusted worldwide.

Photo by Nikola Ćulibrk‎

Baby Dachshund from 1-2 months old should be fed minced meat porridge, rice flour, cornflour, cereal flour and eat soft dry soaked food. Divide into 4-5 small meals throughout the day.
For those puppies from 2-6 months old should be fed 3 meals a day. Keep time divided evenly throughout the day for the best result. Starting to add meats, shrimp, eggs, vegetables,… to provide enough nutrients for the dachshund to grow. The dog’s food must be cooked softly, it will help dogs avoid eating animals bone or organ which is very dangerous for their digestion.

Photo by Ruth Bernard

After each meal it takes a reasonable time for the sausage dog to consume all the nutrients in the food, you should let your doxie dogs playing around for 5-10 minutes so that he can defecate and digest the food easily.

Dog food should include rice flour, minced meat, and cornmeal. Food should be cooked diluted, do not feed your dogs dry food. Moreover, you can supplement with cooked chicken eggs and then gradually move to raw chicken eggs to help the dog’s fur look smoother. Their meals should last about 5 minutes and after eating the dog still craves food is sufficient. The dog’s bowls should be washed right after the meal.

In the case of leftover food, the next meal should reduce the amount of food. Do not give your dog too much food and leave it so he can eat whenever he is hungry, thus creating a bad habit for him and food left outside for a long time could make the dogs sick, diarrhea. Every night after walking your dogs out, you can give them warm milk.

Photo by Diana Balsiger

Dachshund from 6 months old should be fed 2-3 meals a day, you need to increase the amount of high protein food, calcium, and protein for dogs. Furthermore, you should train the dachshund to eat fruits and vegetables such as cabbage, carrots, pumpkins, bananas, watermelons … and increase their physical training. However, you should not increase the amount of food since it would your wiener dogs become fatter and leading to lazy to exercise.
When raising adult Dachshund, you should feed them organs of buffalos and cows, do not feed them organ of pigs since it may cause indigestion for your pet. Furthermore, you need to cook it properly to prevent the spread of helminths to your pets. Periodical deworming is needed since it could help to boost pet digestion.
Adult Dachshunds from 1 year old only need 1 meal a day, however, make sure the meal still can provide enough nutrition for your pets. Dogs for different purposes, different sizes and breeds are different in quantity and quality.

Photo by Cathy Kennedy Thrasher

For elder Dachshund, you should help them maintain a proper weight for better health.
Some notes when feeding Dachshund
Do not let small Dachshunds have too much dry food, too much fat is also not good for their health since it could lead to obesity.
Water should be ready all the time and it also should be changed 3 times/day.

This article uses photos from Dachshund Bonus Group and the photos were shared by member of the group. Thanks to all members for the shares.

Health Benefits Not All Dachshund Owner Know

Taking care of a dachshund is not only a hobby but it is also a habit to help owners prevent dangerous diseases such as stroke, obesity, high blood pressure…

Many people think that taking care of a sausage dog is just a hobby, however, scientists have proven that taking care of dachshunds gives its owners dozens of health benefits.

Feeling happy, reducing stress

Photo by David Schweitzer‎

Recently, the Journal Society & Animals published a survey about the frequency of laughter of dachshund owners, cat owners and many other kinds of animal. The result shows that people who own dachshunds or other dogs feel happier and smile more than owning other animals.

Besides that, dachshund owners when interacting with them daily will release a hormone called oxytocin, also known as the love hormone, more than usual. Therefore, when you own a four-legged friend, it means that you have a “drug” that helps reduce the amount of stress hormone, stabilize blood pressure and increase the feeling of closeness.

The scientists have also proven that staying with your pet for just a few minutes will also help reduce anxiety due to high levels of the hormone serotonin and dopamine.

Weight loss

Photo by Martín Pop‎

According to a report by the University of Michigan (USA), 60% of dachshund owners have reduced their weight significantly. The reason is that dachshund owners often have the hobby of walking their “pet” every day, spending up to 30 minutes every day, you will consume a significant amount of energy.

Becoming confident

Photo by Nancy Ronquist‎

Another study showed that dachshund owners will increase their self-confidence level greatly. Accordingly, the researchers gave dogs to 100 people with autism, and the result was surprising, after only 10 months, 63 of them were able to communicate and communicate normally with people around. The results also showed that they no longer fell into feelings of inferiority and complexity.

Detecting cancer early

Photo by Cathy Kennedy Thrasher‎

Scientists have tested the dog’s sense of smell, and the results showed that with a keen sense of smell, dogs can diagnose cancer early with an accuracy of up to 70 – 90%. Besides, a study also showed equally surprising results when these dogs could alert a seizure to epilepsy patients before it happened.

Reducing the risk of a heart attack

Photo Amy Mattson Hosler‎

Many studies show that keeping a dachshund will help lower the owner’s blood pressure. According to the results of Buffalo University, USA, when the research was conducted with 24 among 48 securities brokers who were treated for hypertension, they were given a dachshund or other dog, while the other half did not. Who has been given a dog has more stable and improved blood pressure. Besides it also helps to reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels significantly.

Another research has also pointed out that doxie dog owners have a higher survival rate and a faster recovery rate after a stroke. Experts recommend adults should do exercise for about two and a half hours a week, and dog owners are more likely to achieve this goal by walking their dogs.

It is time to own a dachshund? This article uses photos from Dachshund Bonus Group and the photos were shared by member of the group. Thanks to all members for the shares.

Comment the reasons you love dachshunds!

Top Funny Moments Showing That Dachshunds Are The Cutest Dogs

If you are a dachshund lover, you probably think all of your dogs are cute. If you are a doxie dog parent, we are sure that you are the proudest owner of your dachshunds because they are the cutest dogs in the world.

Dachshunds are also called doxie dogs, sausage dogs, wiener dogs or hot dogs. They are special dogs because they have short legs and long bodies and they were originally bred to hunt badgers, prairie dogs and small animals. They are also typically known for their long faces and small size.

Let’s go through funny moments to see how cute the dogs are and let us know the cutest one.

1. Dachshunds are small dogs however they have big eyes.

Photo by Madi Harris‎

2. When dachshund sleeps.

Photo by Nathan Ranie

3. Confused face.

Photo by Jenna Jane Hunt‎

4. Droopy Dachshund.

Photo by Ruth Bernard

5. As small dogs, dachshunds are so active and they like to play sports.

Photo by Megan Chudzik

6. Begging dachshund puppy.

Photo by Cathy Kennedy Thrasher

7. Preparing to swim.

Photo by Kristopher Walker‎

8. Dressing in hot dog costumes.

Photo by Sandra Mazzafera

9. Sometimes, dachshund can fly.

Photo by Iwona M. Mikos‎

10. Scraggly-eared friends.

Photo by Lucie Plzáková‎

11. Smiling with confidence.

Photo by Anna Gentry

12. When a dachshund taking sunbathing.

Photo by Silvia Vellozo

13. Have you ever seen your dachshund getting shy?

Photo byEmma Henry‎

14. It’s a hard life being as gorgeous as me 😂

Photo by Michelle Alenna‎

15. It seems that dachshunds are the close friends of kids.

Photo by Chelsey Herring‎

16. Yawning.

Photo by Sabina Horniaková‎

17. Mom! Your face looks delicious.

Photo by Rhonda Lee Dewees

18. I am taking a bath, why are you looking at me?

Photo by Madison Dubrock‎

Dachshunds are the cutest dogs, right? This article uses photos from Dachshund Bonus Group and the photos were shared by member of the group. Thanks to all members for the shares.

Why Are Dachshunds Always The Best Friends Of Humans?

For thousands of year, dachshunds have joined our life and become our soul mate. How could this friendship exist?

Dogs are loved by everyone. Among those beautiful, smart creatures, why do people choose dachshunds as their partner? Have you ever wonder why you love dachshunds but not any other kinds of animals? If you have not found yourself an answer then please read the article below. These are outstanding features that only dachshunds have, making people love them more and more.

The bond between dachshunds and humans has shown through behavior in daily life, it develops and forms the process of loyalty between doxie dogs and humans.

It is because of irreplaceable qualities, “virtues” of dachshunds, let’s figure what those qualities are!

1. They are loyal and worship their owners

Photo by Kate Brown‎

No matter who we are, rich or poor, sick or healthy, once the dachshund has considered you its owner, it will follow you for life.

If you forget to feed them or bathe, beat or abuse them, they will just sit sadly, absolutely not biting or showing dislike to you.

In many cases, when the owner died, the dog still waits by the grave or memorials places between him and his owner to wait because he believes his dearest friend will return, and the absence is just temporary, it might be just punishment for him only.

2. Unconditional love for their owners

Photo by Sharon Forte‎

When dogs meet their owners, their brain will release a hormone equivalent to when you see your lover. It can be said that the owner is the greatest love of every four-legged friend, more than other dogs.

If you do not believe it, walk your dachshunds out and then play with some other dogs. Your best friend will be jealous!

3. Never being greedy

Photo byHolly Peter Williams‎

If you are a beggar, just feed your doxie dog with excess rice, he will happy to eat it as he is having an expensive meal. Dogs don’t have greed or anything, they just need you to be there with them.

This will keep the owner being happy in every difficult situation in life because they see their dachshunds always integrate with all circumstances, always happy with this life.

4. Always trying to make their owners happy

Photo by Ashley Slater‎

Whenever you want to play with your dachshund, he will always happy to join you, to him play with you is the happiest thing on earth.

Therefore, dachshunds will be the best choice when you are sad because whenever you call, they will always be there to help you relax.

5. Knowing how to accept themselves, always being positive

Photo by Scott Saigusa‎

In many situations, the disease, the physical defect, or whatever happens, they always love life as their owners. Autistic dogs are extremely rare.

This will help us, their owners feel happier, making the atmosphere always comfortable with them.

6. Being brave in every situation

Photo by Mosser Harrod New‎

No matter how dangerous it is, even if there are a lot of tougher opponents, your sausage dog will fight and protect you till the end.

There have been situations which dachshunds rescued their owners from a burning house, or fighting wolves, tigers to save their owners, it is a very precious quality, it shows that dachshunds are not just pets, but they are also a protector.

7. Being a quick-learner, easy to train

Photo by Destinee Gilbert

Of course, the dachshund is the easiest animal to teach, he never complains if you make him do it all over again, or do some difficult postures, he is even fun to learn that new thing.

Dachshunds are so cute, aren’t they? This article uses photos from the Dachshund Bonus Group and the photos were shared by members of the group. Thanks to all members for the shares.

Everyone loves to have such lovely and loyal friends, right?

Top 5 Precious Features Of Dachshund That Every Owners Must Know

Have you ever wondered why you love a dachshund? Dachshunds are also called sausage dogs, wiener, doxie dogs… they are beloved around the world. There are 5 precious features that only dachshunds have and they make your love dachshunds so much.

Below is list of 5 precious features that only dachshunds have:

1. They are extreme loyal to their owners.

Photo by Sharon Forte‎

Unlike the other dogs that live in the herd, they always listen to the leader to hunt other animals for living. Dachshunds are trained to become more gentle and listen to their owners. Specially, dachshunds are special because of their loyalty. They always keep their owner’s house, and can also do small things for make their owner happy. They never betray their owners, always loyal to their owners for their whole life. There are many stories that dachshunds protected or saved their owners’ lives.

Especially, a dachshund dies after fighting cobra to protect his owner’s family. Read the story here.

2. They make their owners happier.

Photo by Dawn Mazur‎

Dachshunds are very active and that’s why they love to play with their owners all days. Whenever the owner comes home from work, they will wag their tails to welcome their owners, they also want to get attention from their owners.  When the owner goes away, the four-legged friends will watch out for the owner and will miss them so much. When having a dog always beside you like that, your mood must be more comfortable and relaxed. They are also effective helping humans reduce stress and get more interested in work and they are suitable for people with autism.

3. They are effective dogs to keep house and protect their owners.

Photo by Samantha McDonald‎

As you have known, dachshunds love their owners so much. So they like to be sensor alarms for their owners’ families, whenever a stranger appears, they will bark loudly so that their owners can know that. Even if the stranger shows signs of attack, they can rush to fight to protect the owners. This is also a natural and special self-defense characteristic of hunting dogs which dachshunds used to be.

4. They can understand their owners’ feelings.

Photo by Amy Sandefur‎

Unlike humans, who recognize the mood of a person by facial expressions. Dachshunds sense the mood by temperature of body, or perhaps by a special sense. They will run, jump, wag their tails if their owners are happy. But if you are sad, your dog puppies will be sullen, lying quietly. They just want to lay on you. It’s really respect when dachshunds can clearly feel the feelings of their owners.

5. They always love their owners unconditionally.

Photo by Denise Harper Payne‎

Dachshunds do not care whether you are rich or you have a difficult life. You can feed them good food or not, it is not a matter for them. The reason is that dachshunds are very loyal to their owners. Therefore, they will be always beside you in any circumstances if they love you. There are many famous stories that you may hear about loyal dachshunds, they loved their owners even if the owners died, they were sad and fallen ill and died. Some dogs kept waiting for their owners until they died.

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Specially, although you treat them badly, or even hit them, they will not change their affection to you. It’s great to have such a friend, right?

18 Funny Reasons Why You Should Not Own A Dachshund

If you want to breed dachshunds, I have to let you know 20 reasons below so that make you think again because you may not have figured out how cute they are.

1. They never sleep.

Photo by Sione Cristina da Costa‎

2. They are very difficult to be trained, I am really sure about that.

Photo by Deanna Frye-Fink‎

3. They are scary.

Photo by Leilani Sanchez‎

4. It’s really a nightmare if you and your dachshund go shopping.

Photo by Kerry Oakley‎

5. Wherever dachshund is, that place will be destroyed.

Photo by Amanda Ratner‎

6. Sometimes, you cannot walk them.

Photo by Jeremy Ross

7. It’s not a good idea to put a dachshund indoor.

Photo by Mark Brunelle‎

8. They are not willing to love.

Photo by MaDonna Cox‎

9. They have no weaknesses.

Photo by Жан-Клод Лангерхолц‎

10. They are extremely arrogant and dangerous species.

Photo by Jill Chagnon‎

11. They are not lovely at all.

Photo by Renz Cofreros‎

12. They look scary but they are so shy.

Photo by Lynn Holland Montgomery‎

13. They cannot live peacefully with other dogs.

Photo by Ethan Johnston‎

14. They don’t know how to smile.

Photo by Arianne Sarmiento

15. Living with a dachshund is not same as living with a cat.

Photo by Karito Grime‎

16. Do not let them reach babies.

Photo by Adrianne Elizabeth‎

17. They don’t know how to play by themselves.

Photo by Brandon Perque‎

18. And finally, they are not lovely at all.

Photo by Austin Fulwider

Should you own a dachshund or not? Please comment


Dachshunds were domesticated by humans at first, they became our friends for 18,000 years. And scientists found reasons why you must adopt a dachshund. You can show these reasons for your friends, your family to convince them to adopt one.

Photo by Harry Fahl‎

1. Dachshund always make you laugh

Researchers at the Society & Animals magazine made a survey the people who own dachshunds and other animals. The question is how often they laugh a day since they started owning the pet. The results showed that people who own dachshunds or dogs said that they feel happier and laugh more than cats or other animals.

Photo by Richard Priestley

2. Dachshund is very loyal

In the past, dachshunds and other dogs lived in a herd. Now, these behaviors exist until now however, if you adopted a dachshund, he/she would follow you and be faithful to you. Mr. Stephen Zawistowski, a scientific advisor of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals said that when dachshunds were adopted, they would consider their owner a member of their herd.

Photo by Dragana Stevančević‎

3. Dachshund owner will become more friendly

Scientists of Liverpool and Bristol University said that doxie owners are more open and friendly than other people. That is proven when people walk their dogs and meet other people, that helps them have a chance to contact together especially they meet other dog owners.

Photo by Taylor Julia Pesch‎

4. They help you get stronger and more healthy

Indeed, science has shown that children who live in a family with dogs have a much lower risk of asthma and allergies than other children. A study published by the American Academy of Sciences says that a dog’s body can carry a bacterium called Lactobacillus, which helps children boost immunity against some common allergy viruses.

Photo by Taylor Julia Pesch‎

5. Owning a dachshund makes people more physically active

Obesity is a matter of concern for officer, a scientific study has shown that if these people own a dachshund or a dog, they will have the opportunity to fight the disease. According to a report from the University of Michigan (USA), 60% of dachshund owners have significantly reduced their weight because they spend at least 30 minutes a day walking their dog. Even older people who own dachshunds have a better health because they spend much time walking their dogs in the park or around the area they live in.

Photo by Mark Copland‎

6. Dachshund can save your life or other animals.

The story of a Florida cat saved by a blood transfusion from a dog at the zoo has become an example of this point. According to scientists, some dachshunds and some dogs own a universal blood type – that is, the ability to give blood to other animals like O blood of human. Besides, dachshunds are considered as an alarm system to advise their owner when there are any dangers issued about 15 minutes. For example, epilepsy, before the owner suddenly falls down and twitches, the dog may alert his owner to be proactive.

Photo By DeeDee Orcutt‎

7. Dachshund owners often have more purpose to live

This is especially suitable for elderly people when they are at a time to go to the heaven. According to a report by the Journal of Social Psychology, elderly dachshund owners will find more goals to continue living than others because they often care for their puppies. Even some elderly people said that raising dogs helps them feel more satisfied with life when their children are too busy with work so they cannot take care of their parents.

Photo by Elizabeth Heald‎

8. Dachshund owners will become more confident

Another research shows that owning dachshunds will help those who are self-deprecating (due to weight, appearance …) become more confident in social integration. Those who carried out the study give their dogs to 100 people with autism, who were afraid of social contact. After 10 months, 63 people were able to interact normally with others without any feeling of embarrassment or lack of confidence.

Photo by Donald Newland

9. Owning a dachshund helps the owner feel happy

Just by interacting with the small friend every day,  body of the dog owner can produce an active substance called oxytocin more than usual. According to scientists, oxytocin, also known as love hormones, plays a role in reducing stress, stabilizing blood pressure and increasing feelings of closeness.

Are these reasons enough to convince you to take a 4-legged friend home? If the answer is yes, be ready to take on the responsibility of a reliable companion with this lovely animal.