Top Funny Dog Jokes

funny dog jokes
Photo by Leah Richards‎

A Dachshund dog walked into a telegraph office, he picked up a black form and wrote: “WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF”. The clerk looked over the form for a minute and she told the sausage dog: “You know, there are only nine words here. You could write another WOOF for the same price.” The dog shook his head at the clerk in disbelief. “But that would make no sense at all.”

Breeding doubt

I’m a dog trainer. Before I met with a new client, I had her fill out a questionnaire. One question asked, “Why did you choose this breed?” My client responded, “I often ask myself this very same question.” Cindy Mauro, West Milford, New Jersey


Penn Jillette, the chatty half of the magic duo Penn & Teller, shared with us his favorite clean joke: Two racehorses are in a stable. One says to the other, “You know, before that last race …” “The one that you won?” asks the other horse. “Yeah, before that race, I felt a pinch in my hindquarters.” The other horse says, “Funny, I felt a pinch in my hindquarters before the race that I won.” A dog walking by says, “You idiots, you’re being doped. They’re injecting you with a drug to make you faster!” The first horse turns to the other and says, “Hey, a talking dog!”

A dog goes into a bar and orders a martini. The bartender says, “You don’t see a dog in here drinking a martini very often.” The dog says, “At these prices, I’m not surprised.”

The dogs next door get a little noisy, so one day somebody called animal control to complain. When the officers arrived, I heard my neighbor tell them, “Hey, dogs bark. It’s human nature.”

Does kitty dream of slinking down the catwalk? If so, give her a name that screams “I’m a star!” Like these actual pet names … Cats Cleocatra Bing Clawsby Chairman Meow Alexander the Grey Dogs Mary-Louise Barker Bettie Poops Virginia Woof Iggy Pup

As the stranger enters a country store, he spots a sign: “Danger! Beware of Dog!” Inside, he sees a harmless old hound asleep in the middle of the floor.

“Is that the dog we’re supposed to beware of?” he asks the owner.

“That’s him,” comes the reply.

“He doesn’t look dangerous to me. Why would you post that sign?”

“Before I posted that sign, people kept tripping over him.”

When our client’s dog lapped up anti-freeze, the veterinarian I work for ordered a unique treatment: an IV drip mixing fluids with vodka. “Go buy the cheapest bottle you can find,” he told me. At the liquor store, I was uneasy buying cheap booze so early in the day, and I felt compelled to explain things to the clerk. “Believe it or not,” I said, “this is for a sick dog.” As I was leaving, the next customer plunked down two bottles of muscatel and announced, “These are for my cats.”

Can You Help A Lovely Doxie Dog Open A Safe? Only Geniuses

Can You Help A Lovely Doxie Dog Open A Safe? Only Geniuses

Hello! This is Bonus, a lovely doxie dog. My dad just bought me a small safe but I don’t know the password to open it. Can you help me find the correct code?

Let’s go through the hints below:

From this clue, we can eliminate 7,3,8 as possibilities

After eliminating, we have 6,2,4,5,0 as valid numbers. But we have to do more elimination.

Either 2 is correct or 6 is correct but not both
If 6 was in the correct position in 682, it would also be in the correct position for 645. So 6 cannot be correct. It means 2 is correct and correctly positioned in 682.

So we’ve eliminated 6 as possible number and 2 has to be correct and in the third spot. Now from the second, we know that 6 is not a correct number and we know one number is correct so either 4 or 5 is correct but not both.

You may like to read: Funny Dachshund House’s Rules

Let’s go to the third clue. Well, as we have known 6 is not the correct number and we have two correct numbers so that means both 2 and 0 are correct number but they are in the wrong positions in 206 so 0 must actually be the correct number. From 682, we know 2 is in the third position. So then 0 must be in the first position. Now the password looks something like 0?2

You may like to read: How A Dachshund Dog Defenses From Being Scolded

How to get the final third number? Let’s take a look at this clue again. The password is either 042 or 052. If the password was 042, then 645 would have a number (4) in the correct position, however it does not. Therefore the password must be 052.

Now you can unlock the safe with the code 052.

How A Dachshund Dog Defenses From Being Scolded

If you are a dachshund lover, you probably think all of your dogs are cute. If you are a doxie dog parent, we are sure that you are the proudest owner of your dachshunds because they are the cutest dogs in the world.

Dachshunds are also called doxie dogs, sausage dogs, wiener dogs or hot dogs. They are special dogs because they have short legs and long bodies and they were originally bred to hunt badgers, prairie dogs and small animals. They are also typically known for their long faces and small size.

One day, you caught your dachshund dog destroying toilet papers or tearing your shoes. What will you do? And what does your dog react?

Let’s study what your dog will use to defense from being scolded

1. Showing the blank look

Photo by Elizabeth Keefe Hughes

They will use this when they are caught in the middle of the act, it means: “Hey, that was not me!”

2. Cute black nose

Photo by Jonan S. Barkalow‎

This is used when they are under the covers, and want to see you jump by placing it on tender body parts.

3. A lovely mouth

Photo by Gail Barker‎

This has two purposes.

A soft whimper will arise out of it than turns your anger to zero.

It will eat food, then lick your face to get rid of the taste.

4. A soft warm belly

Photo by Michelle French McGraw

This is their most affective defense when they know they are in trouble. You must be strong and look away.

5. Letting you smell their scented paws

Photo by Brandi Barrios Authement

These are used for all occasions by these evil dogs to keep from getting in trouble. They also twitch when they sleep.

6. Wiggling the little tail

Photo by Adam Koh

They have the ability to wiggle only very tip for the awful factor.

7. Soft floppy ears

Photo by Jessica Sherwood

They purposely flip one, or both to look pitiful and adorable.

8. Cow eyes

Photo by Petra Sim

These are used after a dachshund dog chewed something of yours.

Dachshunds dogs are so cute right? Sometimes they are so naughty but they always make you smile. That is why dachshunds are the most beloved dogs in the world.

Comment the reasons you love your dogs.

Why Dachshunds Are The Best Dogs?

Dachshunds, the short-legged friends, they are also called doxie dogs, sausage dogs, wiener or hot dogs. They are one of the famous dogs in the world because they are so lovely and active. Besides, there are some reasons they are the best dogs.

They have funny personalities

Photo by Stephanie Bellisario‎

Sometimes, you catch your dog drinking out of the toilet, barking at nothing or at their reflection in a window or in the mirror. Have you ever scratched your dogs’ belly? I am sure that your dogs will move their legs to express their joy. Or you may catch they are sleeping in weird positions, putting their face out the car window when you take them out.

They are extremely loving and loyal.

Photo by Velma Carbajal‎

Dachshunds or other dogs are the best friends of humans. They love their owners unconditionally and they are willing to express their affection. When they follow you like your shadow, lick your face, jumping when you are coming home; You must be happy that your dogs extremely love you. Besides, the dogs are also loyal like wolves. There are many stories saying dogs sacrifice themselves to save their owners’ families. You may want to read Dachshund Dies In A Fierce Battle With Cobra To Protect Owner’s Family

They are the best snugglers.

Photo by Victoria Cheyanne Russell‎

Dachshunds are the little dogs however they have big attitude and even bigger hearts. They will be willing to snuggle with their owners for the rest of the time but they can be fierce as little warriors whenever there are any threats to their owner or themselves.

They are full of energy and it’s fun to watch them play.

Photo by Inma Fernández‎

Dachshund dogs are very active because their ancestors are hounds. They can run and jump at the park all day. It is really good because it keeps your dogs slim. Active dogs burn more calories than when they sleep all the time. Overweight can predispose a dog to diabetes. Besides, it helps your dogs lubricate their brains. I am sure that you will laugh when you catch your dogs jumping or playing.

They are the cutest dogs ever.

Photo by Tinygs‎

Sometimes dachshunds do goofy actions such as chasing their tails, sleeping on the grass at the park, destroying toilet papers… they are still so cute and the cutest dogs ever. Right?

Comment the reasons you love your dogs!

A Superman Saves Dog After Leash Gets Caught In The Elevator

In Houston, A man named Johnny Mathis leaps into action to rescue a dog of another woman on December 09, 2019.

A man in Houston, US has quickly saves a dog of another woman (maybe his neighbor) after leash of the dog was caught in an elevator.

A Superman Saves Dog After Leash Gets Caught In The Elevator

The camera captured that Johnny Mathis getting out from the elevator at his apartment complex in Houston, US. When the woman entered the elevator however her dog, which was on a long leash couldn’t follow her before the doors closed.

Found that the dog would get dangerous, Johnny Mathis leapt into action, hold the dog from the leash as the lift ascended.

Johnny Mathis told that: “When she got on I was looking at the dog because that’s a lovely dog. I found that the leash was long but I didn’t think it wasn’t going to make it stuck in the elevator or anything.”

“Instinct just kicked in. I leapt into action, grabbed the leash. There was much fur and that is why it took me a bit to get that lever off of the collar and when I did, I let go, you could see that leash just shoot off to the top of the elevator.”

A Superman Saves Dog After Leash Gets Caught In The Elevator

Johnny Mathis wrote on Twitter that the dog’s owner “started screaming right after the door closed and was bawling her eyes out when it came back down, she thought the worst poor thing”.

“I am thankful I was there on time to save the dog” Mathis said.

Why Don’t Dog Puppies Live As Long As Humans?

It’s a question of a 6 year old kid and it will make you surprised.

I am a veterinarian and I was nominated for examination for Belker, a 10 year old dog. A couple Ron, Lisa, and a 6 year old boy Shane who have been living together with the dog Belker and hoping there would be a miracle for him.

I have examined Belker and found that he is tired of cancer. I advised the family that there was no way to cure him and suggested death by medicine.

When We were preparing the medicine, Ron and Lisa thought that their boy Shane needed to watch this progress so that he could learn something from this experience.

Dachshund dog will go to heaven after death

Next day, I felt sad when I saw the family clustered round the dog. Shane fondled the dog before he passed. The boy composed himself and it made me confused, I wondered whether he could understand what was happening or not. A moment later, Belker passed.

Shane seemed to accept that Belker passed away. After death of Belker, we sat and comforted together and wondered why dogs could not live as long as humans? Shane was sitting silently and suddenly spoke up: “I knew the reasons”.

Photo by Andrew Benfield‎

We were all surprised and looked at the boy, after listening to what he said, we got amazing. They changed my opinion because they were very warm.

“People are born in order to learn to have a nice life, like we have to love and take care of other people, is it right?” Said Shane.

“So the dogs already knew that, why do they live long?” The boy continued.

Photo by Dae Lycos‎

Yes, the boy already made me awake and understand many things below:

Enjoying a simple life

Loving with all our heart

Taking care of other people

Being kind

And you can learn some things from the dog puppies.

Always welcome our relatives when they come home.

Never forget chances to go out together

Enjoy happy moments or just enjoy a cool wind which makes you comfortable.

Close your eyes to relax or just feel peaceful.

Play together and be active all day.

Enjoy when someone getting close to you.

Avoid getting angry at someone when they are annoying you.

Take you time to lay on the grass to enjoy a wonderful day

When the weather is hot, just drink a lot of water and be in a cool place.

When you are happy, just dance, jump and show to everyone that you are happy.

Enjoy the fun while travelling with friends or relatives

Be honest

Be loyal

When someone getting sad, stand by and comfort them

Don’t try to become another person, be yourself.

They are tips to have a happy life that we can learn from our lovely dog.

Source: Jose Dell.

Funny Dachshund House’s Rules

As a dachshund lover, you think that dachshunds are one of the loveliest animals in the world, right? Dachshunds are also called sausage dogs, wiener dogs, doxie dogs… they are famous and owned around the world. To those who are about to own a four-legged friend, spend your time playing with them and consult ideas of experienced people. However, have you ever heard about Dachshund’s House Rules?

Here are 10 Dachshund’s House Rules

1. Don’t come home smelling of other dogs.

Photo by Barb Arnold Soski‎

2. You must feed me every goodie you eat.

Photo by Morgan Miriam Edge‎

3. Don’t call me or lead me to a bath.

Photo by Magda Tymińska‎

4. Let me outside even though I just came in, there was an area I forgot to sniff.

Photo by Carrie Ryan Foote‎

5. I can sleep anywhere I choose even if it means you trip over me.

Photo by Dani Brugman‎

6. Don’t shhhh me from barking while you are on the phone, I heard the wind blowing the leaves.

Photo by Lon Kincaid‎

7. Don’t move me while sleeping sideways in the middle of the bed, you have enough room on the edge.

Photo by Geist J Fok‎

8. Don’t think you can leave a room without me.

Photo by Michelle Krause‎

9. If it lands on the floor It is mine!

Photo by Dragut Florin‎

10. You will never pee alone again.

Photo by Carrie Ryan Foote‎

Feeding Your Dachshunds Properly

Taking care of dachshunds scientifically will help them grow properly and become precious.
With the following tips for raising Dachshund, you can imagine the work that you can do in the way of raising Dachshund for the best development and health.
Dachshund is a strange breed with a unique and wise appearance. They are agile, friendly, and this interesting sausage dog has become a popular pet today.

Photo by Carrie Ryan Foote‎

Basically, owning Dachshund is quite simple, they do not require complicated food like other dogs. However, they are quite active and their muscle grows, it is important to provide nutritious food, especially protein.
The amount of protein must account for 22 – 28% of the total daily amount of food, and the fat must account for 12 – 15%. Protein and fat are naturally balanced in fresh foods such as beef, pork, chicken, animal organs and eggs (regular eggs and duck eggs).

For the rest, from 58 – 66% of the weight is fiber, starch, vitamins, and water. These substances are found in vegetables, rice, porridge, cookies, etc.
If the weather is hot, you can give Dachshund ice cream (they love ice cream), this is a good way to cool down and also provide more carbohydrates.
You can use instant food, but you need to choose foods that have the right amount of nutrients.
The lack of some fat in ready-to-eat foods can be supplemented by adding animal fat, such as fish fat, chicken fat or vegetable oil (well mixed into the food when feeding). However, protein deficiency is not allowed because this is the most important ingredient in Dachshund meals.
You should choose a reputable ready-made food, such as the products of Royal Canin – a very famous French cat and dog food company, which is trusted worldwide.

Photo by Nikola Ćulibrk‎

Baby Dachshund from 1-2 months old should be fed minced meat porridge, rice flour, cornflour, cereal flour and eat soft dry soaked food. Divide into 4-5 small meals throughout the day.
For those puppies from 2-6 months old should be fed 3 meals a day. Keep time divided evenly throughout the day for the best result. Starting to add meats, shrimp, eggs, vegetables,… to provide enough nutrients for the dachshund to grow. The dog’s food must be cooked softly, it will help dogs avoid eating animals bone or organ which is very dangerous for their digestion.

Photo by Ruth Bernard

After each meal it takes a reasonable time for the sausage dog to consume all the nutrients in the food, you should let your doxie dogs playing around for 5-10 minutes so that he can defecate and digest the food easily.

Dog food should include rice flour, minced meat, and cornmeal. Food should be cooked diluted, do not feed your dogs dry food. Moreover, you can supplement with cooked chicken eggs and then gradually move to raw chicken eggs to help the dog’s fur look smoother. Their meals should last about 5 minutes and after eating the dog still craves food is sufficient. The dog’s bowls should be washed right after the meal.

In the case of leftover food, the next meal should reduce the amount of food. Do not give your dog too much food and leave it so he can eat whenever he is hungry, thus creating a bad habit for him and food left outside for a long time could make the dogs sick, diarrhea. Every night after walking your dogs out, you can give them warm milk.

Photo by Diana Balsiger

Dachshund from 6 months old should be fed 2-3 meals a day, you need to increase the amount of high protein food, calcium, and protein for dogs. Furthermore, you should train the dachshund to eat fruits and vegetables such as cabbage, carrots, pumpkins, bananas, watermelons … and increase their physical training. However, you should not increase the amount of food since it would your wiener dogs become fatter and leading to lazy to exercise.
When raising adult Dachshund, you should feed them organs of buffalos and cows, do not feed them organ of pigs since it may cause indigestion for your pet. Furthermore, you need to cook it properly to prevent the spread of helminths to your pets. Periodical deworming is needed since it could help to boost pet digestion.
Adult Dachshunds from 1 year old only need 1 meal a day, however, make sure the meal still can provide enough nutrition for your pets. Dogs for different purposes, different sizes and breeds are different in quantity and quality.

Photo by Cathy Kennedy Thrasher

For elder Dachshund, you should help them maintain a proper weight for better health.
Some notes when feeding Dachshund
Do not let small Dachshunds have too much dry food, too much fat is also not good for their health since it could lead to obesity.
Water should be ready all the time and it also should be changed 3 times/day.

This article uses photos from Dachshund Bonus Group and the photos were shared by member of the group. Thanks to all members for the shares.

Top Funny Dachshund Sleeping Positions And What They Mean

Each dachshund or other dog, even with the same breed has a unique personality. Owning a puppy in the house is like raising a baby, the best thing is to understand the “child’s” hobbies and personality habits. Here is some useful information about the interests of these special friends based on their posture when they are sleeping. These can be daily routines or personalities as well as special hobbies that you should keep in mind to take care of your dachshund better.

1. Lying on one side

Photo by Susanne Krämer‎

If you often see your dachshund sleeping in this position, that means your puppy is feeling extremely comfortable with your home life. Besides, puppies are feeling safe and trust in you. The common trait in these dachshunds is to always feel happy, love life, and always be loyal to the owner.

“These adorable sleeping positions mean they are extremely comfortable in the current living space.”

2. Lying curled up

Photo by Pam Resch

This is the most common sleeping posture of the puppy. Dachshunds have a habit of sleeping like this so they can keep their body warm. If your puppy likes to curl up like a fox, that means they are open-minded, friendly dogs and a little sweet romance.

“If he sleeps like this, your doxie friend has an extremely sweet and friendly personality.”

3. Lying with 4 legs stretching

Photo by Michelle Halim

This sleeping posture is just like a “superman” and if your dachshund has this sleeping posture, they have a great personality. They are always full of energy, active, and always be happy dachshunds. Small dogs often sleep in this position than adult dogs.

“This is a hyperactive and active dog.”

4. Laying on their backs

Photo by Joshua Jstr M. Caña‎

If you happen to see your puppy sleeping in this position, you will surely have to laugh at it. Believe it or not, this is an extremely comfortable sleeping position. Puppies will always feel safe and trusting and happy when living with you. Their outstanding personality is always calm and independent.

“The calm dogs always sleep in this position.”

5. Lying on their stomachs

Photo by Josie Miranda Mallari‎

This sleeping posture does not provide true comfort for the dachshund as it is simply a pose that waits for real deep sleep. Puppies that like to sleep in this position are usually hyperactive and adventurous dachshunds, always ready to play. Usually, the puppies have a sweet personality but sometimes still a little shy, timid.

“This is not a comfortable sleeping posture for puppies.”

6. Lying with their feet up

Photo by Dallas Davisson‎

Do not worry if you see your dachshund sleeping in this position because they look like they are fainting. They were just trying to cool down as fast as they could after running around all over the place. Puppies that like to sleep in this position are usually happy dachshunds, always feeling safe and comfortable. Besides, they are also easier to adapt to the new environment than other puppies.

“If your dachshund sleeps in this position, do not worry because he is very adaptable to the new environment.”

What Will Happen When You Leave Your Dachshund Home Alone?

What is the reason that makes dog puppies worried about being abandoned?

There are many reasons why puppies behave problematically when staying alone. For example, he may feel depressed or simply they might not know that they are not allowed to bark, dig or chew household items. Others are unbearable when they leave their owners and become frightened. This article will give you some helpful tips to help your dachshund get rid of anxiety and insecurity when staying alone.

What could have happened?

Photo by Vito Vitouš

All puppies should not be left alone for a long period of time. With dachshund dogs often worried about being abandoned, you should not leave them alone even just for a few minutes since some will probably be vandalized, some will be noisy, others will become crazy and create a riot in the house.

Rescued dachshunds are more likely to experience fear when staying away from their owners, especially during the first few weeks of moving to a new environment. Next, puppies with a shy, sensitive, and docile appearance, those dachshunds are often praised for their “great temperament” and are loved by people. They tend to quickly cling to their owner like a shadow.

The anxiety of being abandoned is more likely to happen to puppies that have moved house since they were under one-year-old, and especially dogs passed through many different owners.

How to help the dachshunds feel less fear when staying alone?

Photo by Liz Reza‎

Firstly, teach your beloved puppy to get used to your absence in a short time. Following your plans, leaving the doxie dog behind in the room they usually stay, close the door and go away, after a while (less than five minutes), go back and skip the greeting with the dog. Repeating this several times, in the same manner, and at the same time of day. Step by step, increasing the amount of time your dog stays alone. If your sausage dog is annoyed, starts barking, rakes open the door, or when you come back to see him chewing on anything, next time he is alone for a shorter time. In addition, the dog’s training process should be adjusted slowly.

Keep following your plan until your dachshunds can tolerate your absence for 30 minutes without any problems. Then, try starting to leave the sausage dog alone in the room at any time and go to your daily tasks like dressing or taking the key.

Before following plans to leave your dachshund alone in the room, let your puppy get some exercise, which can lead him to walk or play games. This will give your dachshund some time to calm down.

You should feed your dachshunds before leaving, it will make them feel comfortable and fall asleep easier.

The room you leave your puppy in should be carefully selected to minimize damage. It is best to stay away from places with wires or valuable furniture. That place should also calculate how to make if the dog barking is less disturbing to the neighbors. It is important to note that your pet should be kept indoors rather than in the garden as they will feel safer.

Moreover, you can leave your dachshund at home with favorite toys attached with his favorite food which can distract his attention for a few minutes when you leave, it will also help him feel less intension, overcome the fear and gradually get used to being alone. Leave an old shirt of yours before leaving. The fact that putting your shirt in your dog’s house will help him get used to being alone easier. Some dachshunds seem to be relieved to hear the familiar sounds of a melody playing on the radio. Therefore, you can record a 30-minute conversation with your family and play it for the dog as you leave.

When you return, the greeting should be short and do not get too excited. For whatever reason, you should not be angry, yell at or punish your wiener dog. If something goes wrong, reconsider your responsibilities and if necessary, ask someone for help.

Consider a long-term method

Photo by Irina Ferreira‎

In order to deal with the situation when you going out, puppies have to feel comfortable and calm even you are not with them. The following tips could help you to create a more independent relationship between you and your dogs. It also helps to decrease the dependence of your dog puppy on you which leads to anxiety when alone.

Ignore when the puppy is trying to attract your attention. Don’t talk but also don’t scold the sausage dog at that time, don’t touch or even look at him. When you want to show interest in your pet, call him to you and cuddle him, play with him for as long as he wants. If you do so often, the doxie dog will understand that if he knows to keep quiet and try to act independently, you will notice him more. Decide on the amount of time you will pretend to ignore your dachshund and when to cuddle and play with him. This will certainly create an independent relationship rather than constantly rubbing his head, scratching him, or talking to him whenever you walk around the house.

Photo by Mary Jane Aubrey‎

Do not let the dachshund follow you from room to room. If you take an adult dog home, remember to train this from day one. Don’t forget to close the door when you move into another room and leave your pet alone for a few minutes until you return. When you come back, stay calm and appear aware of the dog’s presence in the room, but don’t overly show it.

Helping your dachshund identify you are about to leave with simple actions like finding a car key or wearing a coat.

If you are about to take a new dog home, first prepare for him an overnight spot in the kitchen, and don’t let him sleep in your bedroom immediately. This will prevent your puppy from being with you continuously for a long time.

Show problematic behavior as soon as you leave. The first 15 minutes were always the worst and during that time the dog was extremely uncomfortable. All the physiological signs of fear can manifest as an increase in heart rate, breathing rate, gasping for breath, drooling, excessive hyperactivity, and sometimes even urinating. The dog is always trying to follow you. They will scratch the door, scratch the carpet, nibble on the door frame, or jump up to peer out through the window. In addition, your puppy may bark, whine or howl in an attempt to convince you to come back.

After this “crazy” period, your pet may feel calm. They begin to chew on something you’ve touched earlier because they still have your smell. Furthermore, dachshunds can chew and tear these items into small pieces and then roll and roll between them. This seems to make your puppy feel like there’s a layer of your scent around him and protecting him.

Why would punishment make things worse?

Photo by Kevin Moore‎

Imagine what it would be like when a person came home, found messy furniture, even broke, or heard neighbors complaining of being bothered and it was all a dog’s fault. In this case, it’s easy to sympathize if the person is angry and scolded. Puppies only recognize the frustration of the owner, then they will show signs that they want to ease the owner’s mood or hope the owner will take the punishment. Unfortunately, the dog’s submissive posture (drooping ears, head low, flat, tail hanging between the legs) is often misunderstood by the owner as an expression of remorse. They often say, “There, he knows that he was wrong”.

Any punishment given after everything has ended is often ineffective. Dachshunds can only recognize their punishment for their actions if you punish them right away. As a result, your dog will not be able to relate your punishment to what he or she did before you got home, even if you led the dog to the place where they had previously destroyed.

It is not that they do not remember what they have done, it just they thought it would be reasonable if they were punished for the mistake they just made, not for what they had done hours ago.

Punishment at that time not only did not work, but it could also even make the problem worse. At this time, besides worrying about being left alone at home, your puppy will be afraid of his owner coming back.

A few other tips

Photo by Bianka Frambs‎

If you want to raise more dogs just to keep them happy, consider again! It should not because of problems with his current dog that decided to pick another animal. Because adding a pet may not solve anything, it can make your puppy with you feel more miserable.

If your puppy show serious anxiety about leaving you or other behavioral problems, contact your veterinarian or dog trainer soon to get timely support!

Have you ever left your dachshund home alone?