Health Benefits Not All Dachshund Owner Know

Health Benefits Not All Dachshund Owner Know

Taking care of a dachshund is not only a hobby but it is also a habit to help owners prevent dangerous diseases such as stroke, obesity, high blood pressure…

Many people think that taking care of a sausage dog is just a hobby, however, scientists have proven that taking care of dachshunds gives its owners dozens of health benefits.

Feeling happy, reducing stress

Photo by David Schweitzer‎

Recently, the Journal Society & Animals published a survey about the frequency of laughter of dachshund owners, cat owners and many other kinds of animal. The result shows that people who own dachshunds or other dogs feel happier and smile more than owning other animals.

Besides that, dachshund owners when interacting with them daily will release a hormone called oxytocin, also known as the love hormone, more than usual. Therefore, when you own a four-legged friend, it means that you have a “drug” that helps reduce the amount of stress hormone, stabilize blood pressure and increase the feeling of closeness.

The scientists have also proven that staying with your pet for just a few minutes will also help reduce anxiety due to high levels of the hormone serotonin and dopamine.

Weight loss

Photo by Martín Pop‎

According to a report by the University of Michigan (USA), 60% of dachshund owners have reduced their weight significantly. The reason is that dachshund owners often have the hobby of walking their “pet” every day, spending up to 30 minutes every day, you will consume a significant amount of energy.

Becoming confident

Photo by Nancy Ronquist‎

Another study showed that dachshund owners will increase their self-confidence level greatly. Accordingly, the researchers gave dogs to 100 people with autism, and the result was surprising, after only 10 months, 63 of them were able to communicate and communicate normally with people around. The results also showed that they no longer fell into feelings of inferiority and complexity.

Detecting cancer early

Photo by Cathy Kennedy Thrasher‎

Scientists have tested the dog’s sense of smell, and the results showed that with a keen sense of smell, dogs can diagnose cancer early with an accuracy of up to 70 – 90%. Besides, a study also showed equally surprising results when these dogs could alert a seizure to epilepsy patients before it happened.

Reducing the risk of a heart attack

Photo Amy Mattson Hosler‎

Many studies show that keeping a dachshund will help lower the owner’s blood pressure. According to the results of Buffalo University, USA, when the research was conducted with 24 among 48 securities brokers who were treated for hypertension, they were given a dachshund or other dog, while the other half did not. Who has been given a dog has more stable and improved blood pressure. Besides it also helps to reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels significantly.

Another research has also pointed out that doxie dog owners have a higher survival rate and a faster recovery rate after a stroke. Experts recommend adults should do exercise for about two and a half hours a week, and dog owners are more likely to achieve this goal by walking their dogs.

It is time to own a dachshund? This article uses photos from Dachshund Bonus Group and the photos were shared by member of the group. Thanks to all members for the shares.

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Top 5 Reasons You Should Own A Dachshund In Your House

We live with puppies because we make each other happy, but do you know that taking care of dachshund puppies also brings you more health benefits? Many studies have proven that taking care of dachshunds is good for our health!

1. Dachshund puppies help you reduce stress.

Photo by Amy Mattson Hosler‎

Puppies are very helpful during times of stress. People with pets are less likely to get sick and recover faster than people without pets. Babies and children who grow up playing with puppies and kittens are less likely to have allergies as they mature.

Dogs can help you calm down better than having to take medicine. Because their action significantly decreases blood pressure, and the drug does not prevent this effect. The only thing that will protect you from high blood pressure after annoying conversations from other people is to focus on something outside yourself, like a pet. You can learn how to talk to your puppy effectively!

Your puppy doesn’t need to be there to make you feel something. As long as you know your puppy will always be waiting for you to come home, that’s enough. Cuddling and hugging your sausage dog can also help reduce blood pressure, so if you don’t have a pet, you can volunteer at an animal rescue station or pet a neighbor’s pet. A pet is a particularly effective medicine, especially when he is your own.

2. Dog puppies improve the development of children.

Photo by Tammy Otto‎

There have even been studies by Aline and Robert Kidd showing that young people from pet-loving families scored higher on the cognitive, social and motor development test.

Another researcher, Robert Poretsky, established the Companion Animal Linking Scale. The younger children score high on this measurement tool, the higher their scores will be in all developmental and empathetic measures.

3. Dachshunds make you healthier, less likely to see a doctor.

Photo by @loulou_sitges

According to a Japanese study, pet owners went to the doctor 30% less than those who are living without pets. Another survey conducted by the British researcher, Dr. James Serpell showed that, just one month after raising dachshunds or other dogs, the elderly has reduced 50% of minor medical problems such as Arthralgia, hay fever, insomnia, constipation, anxiety, indigestion, colds and flu, general tiredness, palpitations or shortness of breath, back pain and headache.

People who have a heart attack and living pet will recover faster and survive longer than survivors without a pet. Among us, who live with a beloved puppy or have an experience with another pet only have a half increase in blood pressure when stressed, compared to those who are living without a pet.

4. They will do exercise with you.

Photo by Julie Anne Thomson

Keeping up with puppies can be a challenge when chasing dachshunds around the house and yard, however, it also has other benefits too.

Pets help you increase exercise. My physical strength has increased since the four-legged friends came to live with us. My doxie dog loves to catch and we catch outdoors many times a day, and that made me stand up and move. Puppies will not accept you to refuse, they will never let you sleep late, if the food bowl is empty, they will let you know right away and you also cannot ignore the dog’s need for exercise.

Exercise reduces anxiety, boredom, and depression. While others hope that people will care about them, pet owners can have fun playing with puppies, which is good for our mental health as well as for pets. Take time every day to play with your puppy and you’ll feel better!

Pets connect between people together. Taking a dog for a walk or talking about a puppy at the grocery store helps us to talk, connect and care about life and others.

5. Dachshunds can help us relieve pain!

Photo by David Amado‎

Seriously, I’m not exaggerating. Positron emission tomography (PET scan) is an imaging test that helps physicians detect the biochemical changes used to diagnose and monitor various health conditions.

These tests show that touching a pet reduces brain pain processing centers. Puppies can ease pain and anxiety that are always inside you without the side effects of Valium. In other words, a puppy lying on your lap can ease your pain.

We often talk about bonding relationships, when talking about the love we have for pets. Science can measure this pet effect because thoughts and attitudes are affected by changes in brain chemistry. These chemicals evoke feelings of elation, safety, tranquility, happiness, satisfaction, even love.

Blood tests measuring these chemicals show increased levels for humans and pets when there is a link between you and your puppies. In other words, when you bond with your puppies, the chemicals emit well and the bond helps both to feel loved.

Of course, if your dachshund puppy is a mischievous one, needs more instruction, it can make you angry by chewing items or tripping in the house.

But the feelings that puppies have for us are worth so we can just do not care about those things for long. Do not underestimate the impact your puppy has on you and your puppy. Treat your dog as a great medicine, and you’ll both deserve the health benefits from each other.

It is time to own a dachshund? This article uses photos from Dachshund Bonus Group and the photos were shared by member of the group. Thanks to all members for the shares.

Science Confirms Owning Dachshunds Helps The Owners Reduce Stress

Not only is a close friend, but a dachshund is also a spiritual therapy to help you overcome many dangerous diseases and relieve stresses in life.

Nobody can resist the cute looks of those mischievous puppies. Pets play a very important role in our spiritual life. For those who are living alone, pets are their best friends, bringing them a peaceful feeling whenever they get home. In addition, science also proves pets to help us reduce the possibility of dangerous diseases as well as relieve stress.

Let’s start with a study in the Journal of Vascular and Psychiatric Intervention in 2009. This study has divided a group of 4,000 people into two groups: those who have been owning a dachshund and who have never owned a dog in their lives. The study followed this group of people for 10 years and examined their health status, as well as the cause of their deaths.

Photo by Madi Harris‎

The results show that the No. 1 group, i.e. those who have and own a dachshund are less likely to die from cardiovascular disease, heart attack, up to one third. Researchers have concluded “Having a dachshund in your family is a way to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease. The study also controlled other factors such as smoking, obesity or diabetes to bring up the most objective results.

Photo by Chloé Szeremeta‎

Overall, research shows that having dachshunds in your house can reduce the risk of serious diseases by up to a third.

The bond between us and these cute little friends will be significantly developed when you begin talking to your beloved dog.

So why is owning dachshunds in particular and pets in general able to reduce stress?

Photo by Mosser Harrod New‎

Studies have shown that playing with your four-legged friends can reduce levels of the cortisol hormone in the blood.

Cortisol is a hormone that is produced in the adrenal glands and, when it excessively elevates, it will cause many negative health problems such as increased blood sugar, high blood pressure, fat accumulation, increased risk. obese muscles, causing stress…

Therefore, stress control is the most effective way to control cortisol levels.

Research in the 2017 Science Report has shown that raising a dachshund puppy also gives similar benefits. In short, it can be said that pets are great psychotherapy for your mental and health life. If you have pets in your family, show them your love and take care of them more.

Now, I believe you have reasons to bring a dachshund home right away.

9 Benefits Of Owning A Dachshund That Will Make You Surprised

Dachshunds are not only pets, but they are also the best friends of human, that is why people keep falling in love with these cute little pals. If you are considering of having a dachshund puppy, what kind of breed should you have, read the article below to discover amazing benefits of having a puppy with you!

1. Owning dachshunds improves cardiovascular

Photo by Adrian Jacob Lok‎

These four-legged friends can not only fill your heart but can also help you reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease. The research conducted on more than 3.4 million Swedish people between the ages of 40-80 within 12 years shows that families with dachshunds have a risk of dying from cardiovascular disease reduce by about 36 %.

Equivalently, the results of a survey conducted with more than 5,200 American adults show that pet owners are more physically active than non-adopters. This contributes to reducing high blood pressure, excess cholesterol and bad fat in the blood. Moreover, people who own dachshunds will have less heart attack and if they have a heart attack, they will also have a higher survival rate than those who don’t.

2. Owning dachshunds helps reducing stress

Photo by Sue Joubert‎

Imagine that after a long day of work, the first thing you see when get home from work is your dog sitting at the door, waiting for you, waving his tail at you, giving you the warmest welcome, so much of comfort right? Scientists said that spending a few minutes with your pets, your brain will secrete serotonin and dopamine – two “happy hormones” of humans, more than usual.

Therefore, for those who are working in pressure environments like policemen, having a doxie dog besides will help them so much in their work, comfort them, make them feel much better. Dachshunds are the bond between any married couples. Moreover, depending on how you are owning your dachshunds, they will give out different happy reactions.

3. Keeping your mind lucid

Photo by Guillermo Maldonado‎

Being a friend with your dogs will make your mind more lucid.

Health experts recommend that an adult should exercise regularly for 2 hours and 30 minutes per week. Training your dachshunds to exercises also helps to improve their health. There’s no denying that exercise helps your mind work better. However, according to Statista’s statistics, about half of the Vietnamese population only exercises 1-2 hours a week or never practices. If you are in this group of people, owning a dachshund puppy is a good idea.

According to observers, dachshund owners tend to exercise more than those who don’t, unconsciously. Dachshund owners go out more often to walk their dogs out and play with them, an active habit will be created and somehow dachshund owners tend to love sports than usual. Activities will help you refresh your mind, you will think more clearly and make better decisions.

Taking care of dogs not only helps young people think better but older people can also improve their mental health through walking dogs. A study in Gerontologist has shown that older people walk their dachshunds for better health, go to the doctor less often.

4. Effective diet method

Photo by Julius Sarosi

You will no longer have to struggle with your diet since you will never be able to sit calmly with these cute little pals.

Scientists have proved so many times that walking your four-legged friends every will help losing weight since you have to exercise with a proper intensity in 10-20 minutes even more than 30 minutes. A 50 kg person will consume about 40 kilocals for 1 km of jogging.

In fact, in 2010, a small experiment showed that public household residents had to “borrow” dogs from others to walking them out 5 times a week to lose 7 kilograms within a year. Moreover, dachshunds owners consider walking their dachshunds out as responsibility, not just an exercise to lose weight.

5. Detecting cancer earlier

Photo by Sione Cristina da Costa‎

A recent study by a pharmaceutical laboratory based in Florida has shown that dachshunds can use their sensitive ears to detect lung cancer in human blood samples with an accuracy of up to 97%. They trained 4 dachshunds how to distinguish between normal serous and sample from malignant lung cancer patients.

Although there is one dachshund did not follow the study, all three of the remaining dachshund correctly identified 96.7% of lung cancer samples and 96.7% normal samples. This is a wonderful thing, although cancer still has not been cured, the early detection of disease will greatly support the treatment process, giving patients a better chance of survival.

The combination of the two methods: using dachshunds or other dogs to detect odors to identify cancer, identify biological compounds that dogs detect and then design cancer screening tests based on those compounds. It is considered a great step of science in the effort to fight this evil disease.

6. Expanding social relationships

Photo by Charles Smith‎

Making more friends is a surprise benefit when raising dachshunds. If you feel a bit shy when catching up with strangers or having trouble making friends with someone else, having a sausage dog right there will help you break the ice.

A study of the topic “Talking to dog owners while walking” was carried out in England and concluded that dachshund owners are often extroverted.

One of the most effective ways to catch up with strangers is to ask about their pet like, “Have you had a dachshund for a long time?” Or compliments like “Your dachshund is so cute!”. When you start attracting the attention of others on a general topic of pets, people will be more open and easily chat with you.

7. Feeling safe

Photo by Jenny Wilson‎

For those who live alone (especially women), raising a dog will make you feel more secure. So what dog should you raise? Those dachshunds with strong, muscular stature and vigilance to strangers will be the perfect choice to keep the house and the owner safer.

Moreover, sensitive ears will help dachshunds quickly detect thieves and inform their owners by loud barks.

Hearing is a fairly common trait in dachshunds, so it is not difficult to choose a dachshund with this characteristic. Owning a dachshund will make you feel safer, mentally and physically.

8. Reducing the risk of allergies in children

Photo by Henri Liiver

It may sound odd, parents who have children usually wonder what they should do to avoid dogs losing their hair which will cause allergies. However, the reality has proved the opposite. Dogs reduce the risk of allergies to pets in children up to 33%, according to a study in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology in 2004.

Early contact with pets, especially dogs, helping the immune system of young children grow, reducing the risk of allergies. Contact with pets after this stage of development will not have the same effect on the immune system.

9. Repulse depression

Photo by Silvia Vellozo‎

People believe that dachshund owners are less depressed than those who do not own dachshunds or other dogs, because dogs have an emotional lifestyle, always care about their owners and know how to bring joy to people. Moreover, dachshunds are very loyal, reliable and easily trained dogs. So, what kind of dog should you bring home? The answer is that any kind of dog can be your great friend. Having a dog by your side, you feel less lonely when you have a friend to share. Other evidence suggests that older women living alone, HIV-positive patients who have dogs, depression are less than those who do not. This proves that owning dogs is considered as an effective treatment in reducing depression for many people of different ages.

This article uses photos from Dachshund Bonus Group and the photos were shared by member of the group. Thanks to all members for the shares.

20 Benefits Of Being a Dachshund Owner You Didn’t Know

Dachshunds are not only close friends of humans, they also bring many surprise benefits that not everyone knows. Dachshund Bonus listed 20 reasons you should have a dachshund puppy by your side.

1. Dachshunds have been close friends of humans for thousands of years.

Photo by Brigitte Lucke‎

2. They like to protect your house.

Photo by Kristine Jansone‎

3. They help you reduce stress.

Photo by Teresa Horne James‎

If you feel tired of work, playing with your cute dachshund puppies is one of the most effective ways to reduce stress.

4. They also sympathize with your sadness.

Photo by Jackie Kent‎

5. They help their owners feel happier.

Photo by Jestine Brewer‎

According to statistics, people who have one or more dachshunds in their homes lead happier lives, are considerably healthier, live longer and weigh less than those who don’t.

6. Do you believe? Dachshund help you feel safer whenever you go out.

Photo by Dwight Guey‎

7. They will always love you unconditionally.

Photo by Iris Davila‎

8. They will always loyal to you absolutely.

Dachshunds are special loyal to their owners (even when their owners have died).

You may like to read: Dachshunds The Most Loyal Dogs In The World

9. They help their owners do exercise and improve health.

Photo by Grace Simmons Miller‎

10. Dachshunds help you improve ability to socialize.

Photo by Brigitte Lucke‎

11. They help you feel less lonely when you get older.

Photo by Jeffrey Sullivan‎

12. They never leave you when you get difficult.

Photo by Nicole Deal‎

13. They help you reduce your risk of heart attack.

Photo by Damian Key Reynolds‎

Research shows that stroking dachshunds helps you feel more relaxed and happy, it helps the dachshund owners reduce the risk of heart attack. In addition, dachshund owners will be recovered faster after a stroke.

14. Do you believe? Dachshunds can help you detect cancer early.

Photo by Deborah Wood Jellyman‎

Research shows that dachshunds or other dogs have a wonderful sense of smell, they can diagnose early cancer with an accuracy of 70-90%.

15. Dachshunds can help you detect and alert seizures early.

Photo by Stephen Hall‎

Research shows that dachshunds can alert a seizure to people with epilepsy before it happens.

16. They help reduce the risk of allergies in children.

Photo by Aline Souza Brito‎

If your babies like to play with dachshund puppies and they often contact with the dogs, it helps your babies increase their resistance and reduce allergies with other animals.

17. They are useful for children with autism.

Photo by Aline Souza Brito‎

Scientists said that when children with autism are playing with dachshund puppies, the babies look more clearly significant advances. In fact, there are many stories of children escaping from autism thanks to contacting with dogs. (example photo).

18. They help children get healthier.

Photo by Raquel Garcia‎

Many studies show that families with dachshunds or other dogs have healthier children than those families which do not. The reason is that when children are in constant contact with dogs, their immune system is also boosted.

19. The dachshunds can walk the blinds.

Photo by Jeremy Ross

20. And finally, dachshunds are so cute.

Photo by Bruce Allen‎

Comment if you know other reasons you love dachshunds!