How To Teach Your Dachshunds To Recognize Their Names

How To Teach Your Dachshunds To Recognize Their Names

Teaching dachshunds to know their names and identify their names is the most important thing you can do when starting to buy or adopt them. Identifying a name is the foundation to help teaching your dachshund puppy other techniques, as well as form a relationship between you and your dog. Using dog names consistently and positively helps your dachshund know and understand when you need them and when you expect them to do something.

Photo by Renee O’Brien Marcum‎

Teaching your dachshund his name with 7-quick-simple steps:

Step 1: Calling their names

Photo by Linda Humphrey‎

First, calling your dachshund names in a cheerful, excited voice to create a positive experience for your puppies. Do not say anything else, and just call 1 time only.

Step 2: Rewarding when teaching your dogs their names

Photo by Gitte Kronbäck‎

Reward dogs right when he looks at you after you have called his name. Most of the time, he will look at you to see what happen, but the benefit of getting a reward will motivate him to look at you the next time you name him. Using reward items such as pork liver (processed), beef heart (processed), sausages or chicken, cut into small pieces about the size of a pea. These foods are available now so you can buy them, which is very convenient.

Step 3: Praising your dachshund when he knows his name

Distracting the sausage dog a little bit, then call his name again. Reward him immediately when he looks at you, so he can relate the relationship between his name and the rewards and compliments you give him.

Step 4: Repeat the process of teaching the dog to know the name

Photo by Charles Smith‎

Repeat the process of teaching his name about 10 times each day. Then let him rest. If you teach him too much, they will feel dull and no longer interested, and once they lost their attention, it is harder for them to respond when you call out.

Step 5: Practicing more and more

Having your dachshunds practice responding to his name many times a day. Try to keep the practice be always fun and give him treat any time he responds to his name. Practicing in different rooms of your home and yard (if your home has a yard). Minimizing things that might distract your dog like other pets or your children around when you are teaching them so they can focus on you only.

Step 6: Holding food when calling his name

Photo by Julia Weinstein

Holding the reward right in front of your dachshund, touch his nose if he does not turn around to look at you when you call your name. When you know your dog can smell food, give him food and praise him when he turns to you. The puppy will understand the idea of turning around and facing you whenever you hear your name.

Step 7: Finish the training process

Photo by Janet Villareal Bandoy‎

Teaching the puppy to respond to his names no matter where he is by calling his name (in another room or out of sight). If your doxie dog runs to you, reward him immediately and compliment him. If they do not know the reaction, in that case, keep teaching your dog in the same room until he is familiar with his name then try to practice from another room. Some puppies will take longer to learn names. However, when you have a consistent and positive training plan, puppies will learn their names.

Verify that your dachshund can respond to his name in any different situations.

Practicing name your dog regularly and everywhere, practice when your puppy is right next to you or a few meters away. You will also want to practice indoors or outdoors, as cars pass by, around other dachshunds and other people. You can also play a “name game” with other people to teach your dog how to recognize his name.  When they call his name and he looks at them, reward him.

You may like to read: Cute Dachshund Names For Your Dachshund Puppies


You want your dog to know that when his name is called, good things happen. Therefore, never call your dog’s name in an angry way. You want your dog to look happy with you whenever you call his name.

Let’s start training your dachshunds, my friends! This article uses photos from Dachshund Bonus Group and the photos were shared by member of the group. Thanks to all members for the shares.

How To Make Your Dachshund’s Hair Glossy And Shiny

This is one of the most asked questions since an unkempt, threadbare hair will affect the beauty of your dog. Those less shiny hairs will also reflect the health condition, meals of your dog. If your dog has good health condition, a shiny hair, guarantee you will want to take them everywhere.

What food will make your dachshund’s hair shiny and glossy?

Photo by Sharon Forte‎

Basically, your dog should be provided enough nutrition, vitamins, fatty acids, omega-3, protein …When your dachshunds absorb all of the nutrition, they surely will have healthy, shiny fur or hair. So where are the nutrition comes from?

Foods provide vitamins and fatty acids: Meat, fish, eggs, milk will provide vitamins and fatty acids for your dachshunds. However, you should control the amount of food which your dachshunds consume, a reasonable amount will help your four-legged friends to avoid excess fat that makes the dogs become fatty.

Egg yolks provide omega-3 in a healthy way which makes dachshunds fur smoother. However, you should not let your dachshunds have so much of egg yolks, especially raw egg yolks. Your dogs should be trained to eat egg yolks slowly, start with boiled egg yolks, gradually raw more and more until he can eat completely raw egg yolks.

Note: Dachshunds should eat egg yolks only.

Photo by Chelsey Osman

Pigskin with hair and grease cleaned: pigskin has a protein content 2.5 times higher, carbohydrate content is 4 times higher than pork while fat content contains only half of pork. That why pig skin becomes a very good nutrition source which helps hair become shiny. Besides, the price of pig skins is quite cheap, it will help reducing food cost for your dachshunds.

You can buy omega-3 from drugstores everywhere and let your sausage dogs have it directly since omega-3 is absorbed directly, the result will appear within a week.

Photo by Ruth Bernard‎

Besides nutrition sources for your dachshund puppies, you should take care of your dog in a proper way, help him to have a good health condition and a smooth, shiny fur.

Your doxie dogs should stay in a dry, cool place to help him avoid diseases. Combing their fur often will also reduce hair loss which makes their skin cool.

Bathe your dog often, but not every day, it will waste your time and it is also not good for dogs, we should only bathe the dachshunds once a month.

Photo by N’Dea Crook

You should kill ticks, lice, and parasites on the dog’s skin, especially not to let your dachshunds get scabies.

Have your dog exercise regularly and provide adequate water to keep your beloved dogs happy and have a good health.

Do You Really Understand What Your Dachshunds Do?

Do you think that you already understand your dachshunds? If you own a dachshund, I want to congratulate you that you have an extremely royal friend. However, there is a separation between you and your dachshunds, that is language, so sometimes you can’t understand what your dogs do and what they want.

Do not worry much because I will reveal the secret of strange actions that your dachshund puppies often do so that you can understand them better.

1. Yawning with you.

Yawning with you. Photo by ‎Natalie Dennis‎

Do you know? Yawning is contagious between dachshunds and their owners. A study on Biology Letter said that this “yawn spread” is awesome.

Your dachshunds yawn with you because they want to share sleepiness with you. Besides, it means the dogs also have the ability to understand and empathize with your emotions.

A University in Helsinki had come up with a study that said dogs are able to recognize when their owners get angry. Even, they also cry when babies cry.

2. Turning head away when they are hugged by you.

Am I familiar with this guy? Photo by Mudit Garg‎

Do you recognize that your dachshunds always turn their heads away once you hug them? The reason is that the dogs will never cooperate with you if you want to do selfie with them.

Dachshunds really want to be cared by their owners, however they don’t like being hugged. According to animal behavioral researcher Julie Hecht, there are three clear signs that you can see when your dachshunds are stressed: Turn away, get goggle-eyed and finally drop their ears.

However, there will be exceptions. Some dachshund puppies will get extremely excited when they are hugged by their owners. If there is a stranger hugging them, they will feel no pleasure.

One day, if you want to be close to a cute dachshund puppy in a park and he doesn’t seem to cooperate, try scratching his belly, he may feel in love with you.

3. Glaring at you

Photo by Stephanie Rodgers

You will be surprised if you know that the longer your dachshund glaring at you, the more love he wants to give to you.

Researches showed that when dachshunds start at an object and it showed that they were interested in that thing. Even when you show your dachshunds pictures of other dogs, their facial expressions are also consistent with the pictures.

In other words, they are copying your expression. When you laugh, they will be happy; When you cry, they will get a sad emotion. What a great friend!

“The boss is falling in love right? No problem, I’m here, I don’t leave you master.”

4. Sniffing at your acquaintances continuously.

Photo by Marissa Abaya Boo‎

Like other dogs, dachshunds collect a lot of information based on the scents around them. Researches showed that they seem to like the scent of their owner’s acquaintances and it depended on the intimacy and frequency of meetings.

The researchers scanned brains of participating dogs. They let them sniff some different scents: dog scent, acquaintances scent, strangers scent, scent of other dogs which they knew and scent of a strange dog.

The results showed that if the dogs contacted with the scent of a familiar person, the brain region which creates a “rewarded” feeling increased. It means how important that person is in the life of the dog.

5. Hiding behind your legs.

Photo by Silvia Vellozo

If your dachshund puppy suddenly hides behind your legs and has sad eyes, they may be scared.

“Master, save me! The other cat looks witty!”

Behavior researchers said that dachshunds are only animals that respond to humans like children. Unlike other animal, dachshunds tend to run to their owners looking for allies when they feel scared.

If you know other strange actions of your dachshunds, please comment below.

Top Foods You Should Not Let Your Dachshunds Eat

1. Too hot or too cold foods.

Do not let your dachshund eat too hot or too cold foods

Your dachshunds will not like cold food, but give them warm food instead of food that is too hot because they can harm your dog’s enamel.

2. Freshwater fishes.

Freshwater fishes are not good for your dachshund puppies

If you feed your dachshunds with sea fishes that have been cooked, it’s good for your dachshund puppies. But do not feed your dogs with freshwater fishes because they have helminth eggs and it is dangerous for your dachshund puppies.             

3. Bones.

Remember not to let your dachshunds gnaw or eat bones

Remember not to let your dachshunds gnaw or eat bones especially your puppies. That sounds to be contrary to the old concept that the dachshunds or other dogs are drunk on bones, however, you may not know that bones are extremely disaster for your dachshunds. The first reason is that the bones are difficult to be digested. The second is that bones are dangerous for the stomach and they are causes of constipation for your puppies. And especially types of cylinder bones and bones of chicken, they are easy to be broken into sharp pieces and they can poke your dachshund’s stomach. In addition, gnawing bones can also make teeth worn out or broken.

4. Noodles, beans, breads, potatoes.

Noodles, bread, beans or potatoes make dachshunds get bloated, indigestion and fermentation in the digestive system

Sometimes we let our dogs eat what we eat, but foods like noodles, bread, beans, or potatoes make them get bloated, indigestion and fermentation in the digestive system.

5. Types of sausages.

Do not let your dachshunds eat sausages

Absolutely not to let your dachshunds eat sausages because they are very harmful to your dogs. They damage the liver and they may make your dachshund puppies die after eating sausages.

6. Types of sweets.

Don’t let your dachshunds eat sweet foods

Don’t let your dachshunds eat sweet foods especially candies and chocolates because they make your dachshunds lose appetite and digestive disorders. In addition, they also damage tooth enamel and have a bad effect on their eyes (tearing).

7. Pork, lamb, raw eggs.

Human’s food may not suitable for dachshunds

These foods are perfectly suitable for human consumption and other animals. However, they may be toxic and even poisonous to your dachshunds. The reason is that dachshunds or other dogs have absolutely different rates of metabolism from humans. Metabolism is basically the process of breaking down food and turning it into energy.

8. Do not add peppers, hot chillies, spicy sauce.

Never give your dachshund spicy varieties like chillies or hot peppers.

Pureeing or steaming the peppers makes us easier to consume and digest. As with most human food, don’t overdo it because too much could lead to sickness. It might go without saying, but never give your dachshund spicy varieties like chilies or hot peppers.

9. Do not let your dachshunds eat expired or rotten foods.

Do not let your dachshunds eat expired or rotten foods

Have you wondered if it is safe to feed your dachshunds expired foods? Typically, humans won’t even eat leftovers. Some people eat food a week old! Others won’t touch anything that has been refrigerated after being cooked. Are you a fan of left overs? Your dachshund puppies probably are! Dachshunds can stomach different bacteria than humans. So please do not let your dachshunds eat old, expired or especially rotten foods.

If you know other foods that are not suitable for dachshund puppies, please comment below: