No one can be compared to dachshunds. From their excitement when seeing us to their loyalty, a funny dachshund is the only companion I’ll ever truly need. On your best days, the worst, and each day in between, dachshunds have never failed to make your day even better than the moment before. You will not know what you would do without these adorable friends, and luckily, you never will need to find out.
But, did you ever recognize that sometimes dachshunds show that they are models or superstars? I think the reason is that you give your best love to them and let them feel the best life.
12 Funny signs below prove that dachshunds think they are models or superstars.
1. They lay their back on the ground.

They have special bodies, long back and short legs. Dachshunds always lay their backs on the ground to pose for photos.
2. Observing the world from the sky.

Many owners like to bring their dachshund puppies when they are going to go travelling. Even someone takes dachshunds together on a plane. When observing the world from the sky, dachshunds may think they are superstars and they feel excited with that.
3. Sunbathing in summer.

Dachshunds love laying in the sun. They have favorite spot to sunbath in front of the window. Dachshunds love that because they feel goods and it is a good source of Vitamin D for them. Besides, they do that simply they think that they are special and they are worthy of being treated like that.
4. Showing that they are knowledge.

Are not like other dogs, dachshunds like to disguise into a professor, a model or whatever they like. Just for taking photos.
5. Immersing in a flower field.

I am not sure whether dachshunds like flowers or not. Maybe they just want to be outstanding dogs between beautiful flowers.
6. Standing by a statue.

Dachshunds think that human consider them as legends. It’s true because we made statues of dachshunds, didn’t us?
7. Having a great birthday.

When you love your dachshunds and you held a great birthday party for them. They must think and they are the main characters in the world and their life is very beautiful.
8. Catching fashion trends.

9. Travelling on a sailing yacht.

Hello, I am travelling with my mom. Am I cool?
10. Sleeping anywhere they like.

I don’t care what everybody think about me. It’s simply I am sleepy.
11. Being cool with sunglasses.

Dachshunds really like to wear sunglasses especially when they go outside with their owners.
12. In sausage costume.

Hello, I am a model and I am promoting a sausage company.
You see, dachshunds are very mischievous and lovely, that is why they are famous and owned in around the world. No reasons not to have a dachshund, right? All the photos were collected from Dachshund Bonus Group. Thanks to all members who shared the photos.
Share your feeling of your dachshunds.