Can You Help A Lovely Doxie Dog Open A Safe? Only Geniuses

Funny Dog Puzzles
Can You Help A Lovely Doxie Dog Open A Safe? Only Geniuses
Can You Help A Lovely Doxie Dog Open A Safe? Only Geniuses

Hello! This is Bonus, a lovely doxie dog. My dad just bought me a small safe but I don’t know the password to open it. Can you help me find the correct code?

Let’s go through the hints below:

From this clue, we can eliminate 7,3,8 as possibilities

After eliminating, we have 6,2,4,5,0 as valid numbers. But we have to do more elimination.

Either 2 is correct or 6 is correct but not both
If 6 was in the correct position in 682, it would also be in the correct position for 645. So 6 cannot be correct. It means 2 is correct and correctly positioned in 682.

So we’ve eliminated 6 as possible number and 2 has to be correct and in the third spot. Now from the second, we know that 6 is not a correct number and we know one number is correct so either 4 or 5 is correct but not both.

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Let’s go to the third clue. Well, as we have known 6 is not the correct number and we have two correct numbers so that means both 2 and 0 are correct number but they are in the wrong positions in 206 so 0 must actually be the correct number. From 682, we know 2 is in the third position. So then 0 must be in the first position. Now the password looks something like 0?2

You may like to read: How A Dachshund Dog Defenses From Being Scolded

How to get the final third number? Let’s take a look at this clue again. The password is either 042 or 052. If the password was 042, then 645 would have a number (4) in the correct position, however it does not. Therefore the password must be 052.

Now you can unlock the safe with the code 052.

How A Dachshund Dog Defenses From Being Scolded

If you are a dachshund lover, you probably think all of your dogs are cute. If you are a doxie dog parent, we are sure that you are the proudest owner of your dachshunds because they are the cutest dogs in the world.

Dachshunds are also called doxie dogs, sausage dogs, wiener dogs or hot dogs. They are special dogs because they have short legs and long bodies and they were originally bred to hunt badgers, prairie dogs and small animals. They are also typically known for their long faces and small size.

One day, you caught your dachshund dog destroying toilet papers or tearing your shoes. What will you do? And what does your dog react?

Let’s study what your dog will use to defense from being scolded

1. Showing the blank look

Photo by Elizabeth Keefe Hughes

They will use this when they are caught in the middle of the act, it means: “Hey, that was not me!”

2. Cute black nose

Photo by Jonan S. Barkalow‎

This is used when they are under the covers, and want to see you jump by placing it on tender body parts.

3. A lovely mouth

Photo by Gail Barker‎

This has two purposes.

A soft whimper will arise out of it than turns your anger to zero.

It will eat food, then lick your face to get rid of the taste.

4. A soft warm belly

Photo by Michelle French McGraw

This is their most affective defense when they know they are in trouble. You must be strong and look away.

5. Letting you smell their scented paws

Photo by Brandi Barrios Authement

These are used for all occasions by these evil dogs to keep from getting in trouble. They also twitch when they sleep.

6. Wiggling the little tail

Photo by Adam Koh

They have the ability to wiggle only very tip for the awful factor.

7. Soft floppy ears

Photo by Jessica Sherwood

They purposely flip one, or both to look pitiful and adorable.

8. Cow eyes

Photo by Petra Sim

These are used after a dachshund dog chewed something of yours.

Dachshunds dogs are so cute right? Sometimes they are so naughty but they always make you smile. That is why dachshunds are the most beloved dogs in the world.

Comment the reasons you love your dogs.

Why Dachshunds Are The Best Dogs?

Dachshunds, the short-legged friends, they are also called doxie dogs, sausage dogs, wiener or hot dogs. They are one of the famous dogs in the world because they are so lovely and active. Besides, there are some reasons they are the best dogs.

They have funny personalities

Photo by Stephanie Bellisario‎

Sometimes, you catch your dog drinking out of the toilet, barking at nothing or at their reflection in a window or in the mirror. Have you ever scratched your dogs’ belly? I am sure that your dogs will move their legs to express their joy. Or you may catch they are sleeping in weird positions, putting their face out the car window when you take them out.

They are extremely loving and loyal.

Photo by Velma Carbajal‎

Dachshunds or other dogs are the best friends of humans. They love their owners unconditionally and they are willing to express their affection. When they follow you like your shadow, lick your face, jumping when you are coming home; You must be happy that your dogs extremely love you. Besides, the dogs are also loyal like wolves. There are many stories saying dogs sacrifice themselves to save their owners’ families. You may want to read Dachshund Dies In A Fierce Battle With Cobra To Protect Owner’s Family

They are the best snugglers.

Photo by Victoria Cheyanne Russell‎

Dachshunds are the little dogs however they have big attitude and even bigger hearts. They will be willing to snuggle with their owners for the rest of the time but they can be fierce as little warriors whenever there are any threats to their owner or themselves.

They are full of energy and it’s fun to watch them play.

Photo by Inma Fernández‎

Dachshund dogs are very active because their ancestors are hounds. They can run and jump at the park all day. It is really good because it keeps your dogs slim. Active dogs burn more calories than when they sleep all the time. Overweight can predispose a dog to diabetes. Besides, it helps your dogs lubricate their brains. I am sure that you will laugh when you catch your dogs jumping or playing.

They are the cutest dogs ever.

Photo by Tinygs‎

Sometimes dachshunds do goofy actions such as chasing their tails, sleeping on the grass at the park, destroying toilet papers… they are still so cute and the cutest dogs ever. Right?

Comment the reasons you love your dogs!