How A Dachshund Dog Defenses From Being Scolded

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If you are a dachshund lover, you probably think all of your dogs are cute. If you are a doxie dog parent, we are sure that you are the proudest owner of your dachshunds because they are the cutest dogs in the world.

Dachshunds are also called doxie dogs, sausage dogs, wiener dogs or hot dogs. They are special dogs because they have short legs and long bodies and they were originally bred to hunt badgers, prairie dogs and small animals. They are also typically known for their long faces and small size.

One day, you caught your dachshund dog destroying toilet papers or tearing your shoes. What will you do? And what does your dog react?

Let’s study what your dog will use to defense from being scolded

1. Showing the blank look

Photo by Elizabeth Keefe Hughes

They will use this when they are caught in the middle of the act, it means: “Hey, that was not me!”

2. Cute black nose

Photo by Jonan S. Barkalow‎

This is used when they are under the covers, and want to see you jump by placing it on tender body parts.

3. A lovely mouth

Photo by Gail Barker‎

This has two purposes.

A soft whimper will arise out of it than turns your anger to zero.

It will eat food, then lick your face to get rid of the taste.

4. A soft warm belly

Photo by Michelle French McGraw

This is their most affective defense when they know they are in trouble. You must be strong and look away.

5. Letting you smell their scented paws

Photo by Brandi Barrios Authement

These are used for all occasions by these evil dogs to keep from getting in trouble. They also twitch when they sleep.

6. Wiggling the little tail

Photo by Adam Koh

They have the ability to wiggle only very tip for the awful factor.

7. Soft floppy ears

Photo by Jessica Sherwood

They purposely flip one, or both to look pitiful and adorable.

8. Cow eyes

Photo by Petra Sim

These are used after a dachshund dog chewed something of yours.

Dachshunds dogs are so cute right? Sometimes they are so naughty but they always make you smile. That is why dachshunds are the most beloved dogs in the world.

Comment the reasons you love your dogs.

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