Feeding Your Dachshunds Properly

Feeding Your Dachshunds Properly

Taking care of dachshunds scientifically will help them grow properly and become precious.
With the following tips for raising Dachshund, you can imagine the work that you can do in the way of raising Dachshund for the best development and health.
Dachshund is a strange breed with a unique and wise appearance. They are agile, friendly, and this interesting sausage dog has become a popular pet today.

Photo by Carrie Ryan Foote‎

Basically, owning Dachshund is quite simple, they do not require complicated food like other dogs. However, they are quite active and their muscle grows, it is important to provide nutritious food, especially protein.
The amount of protein must account for 22 – 28% of the total daily amount of food, and the fat must account for 12 – 15%. Protein and fat are naturally balanced in fresh foods such as beef, pork, chicken, animal organs and eggs (regular eggs and duck eggs).

For the rest, from 58 – 66% of the weight is fiber, starch, vitamins, and water. These substances are found in vegetables, rice, porridge, cookies, etc.
If the weather is hot, you can give Dachshund ice cream (they love ice cream), this is a good way to cool down and also provide more carbohydrates.
You can use instant food, but you need to choose foods that have the right amount of nutrients.
The lack of some fat in ready-to-eat foods can be supplemented by adding animal fat, such as fish fat, chicken fat or vegetable oil (well mixed into the food when feeding). However, protein deficiency is not allowed because this is the most important ingredient in Dachshund meals.
You should choose a reputable ready-made food, such as the products of Royal Canin – a very famous French cat and dog food company, which is trusted worldwide.

Photo by Nikola Ćulibrk‎

Baby Dachshund from 1-2 months old should be fed minced meat porridge, rice flour, cornflour, cereal flour and eat soft dry soaked food. Divide into 4-5 small meals throughout the day.
For those puppies from 2-6 months old should be fed 3 meals a day. Keep time divided evenly throughout the day for the best result. Starting to add meats, shrimp, eggs, vegetables,… to provide enough nutrients for the dachshund to grow. The dog’s food must be cooked softly, it will help dogs avoid eating animals bone or organ which is very dangerous for their digestion.

Photo by Ruth Bernard

After each meal it takes a reasonable time for the sausage dog to consume all the nutrients in the food, you should let your doxie dogs playing around for 5-10 minutes so that he can defecate and digest the food easily.

Dog food should include rice flour, minced meat, and cornmeal. Food should be cooked diluted, do not feed your dogs dry food. Moreover, you can supplement with cooked chicken eggs and then gradually move to raw chicken eggs to help the dog’s fur look smoother. Their meals should last about 5 minutes and after eating the dog still craves food is sufficient. The dog’s bowls should be washed right after the meal.

In the case of leftover food, the next meal should reduce the amount of food. Do not give your dog too much food and leave it so he can eat whenever he is hungry, thus creating a bad habit for him and food left outside for a long time could make the dogs sick, diarrhea. Every night after walking your dogs out, you can give them warm milk.

Photo by Diana Balsiger

Dachshund from 6 months old should be fed 2-3 meals a day, you need to increase the amount of high protein food, calcium, and protein for dogs. Furthermore, you should train the dachshund to eat fruits and vegetables such as cabbage, carrots, pumpkins, bananas, watermelons … and increase their physical training. However, you should not increase the amount of food since it would your wiener dogs become fatter and leading to lazy to exercise.
When raising adult Dachshund, you should feed them organs of buffalos and cows, do not feed them organ of pigs since it may cause indigestion for your pet. Furthermore, you need to cook it properly to prevent the spread of helminths to your pets. Periodical deworming is needed since it could help to boost pet digestion.
Adult Dachshunds from 1 year old only need 1 meal a day, however, make sure the meal still can provide enough nutrition for your pets. Dogs for different purposes, different sizes and breeds are different in quantity and quality.

Photo by Cathy Kennedy Thrasher

For elder Dachshund, you should help them maintain a proper weight for better health.
Some notes when feeding Dachshund
Do not let small Dachshunds have too much dry food, too much fat is also not good for their health since it could lead to obesity.
Water should be ready all the time and it also should be changed 3 times/day.

This article uses photos from Dachshund Bonus Group and the photos were shared by member of the group. Thanks to all members for the shares.

How To Make Your Dachshund’s Hair Glossy And Shiny

This is one of the most asked questions since an unkempt, threadbare hair will affect the beauty of your dog. Those less shiny hairs will also reflect the health condition, meals of your dog. If your dog has good health condition, a shiny hair, guarantee you will want to take them everywhere.

What food will make your dachshund’s hair shiny and glossy?

Photo by Sharon Forte‎

Basically, your dog should be provided enough nutrition, vitamins, fatty acids, omega-3, protein …When your dachshunds absorb all of the nutrition, they surely will have healthy, shiny fur or hair. So where are the nutrition comes from?

Foods provide vitamins and fatty acids: Meat, fish, eggs, milk will provide vitamins and fatty acids for your dachshunds. However, you should control the amount of food which your dachshunds consume, a reasonable amount will help your four-legged friends to avoid excess fat that makes the dogs become fatty.

Egg yolks provide omega-3 in a healthy way which makes dachshunds fur smoother. However, you should not let your dachshunds have so much of egg yolks, especially raw egg yolks. Your dogs should be trained to eat egg yolks slowly, start with boiled egg yolks, gradually raw more and more until he can eat completely raw egg yolks.

Note: Dachshunds should eat egg yolks only.

Photo by Chelsey Osman

Pigskin with hair and grease cleaned: pigskin has a protein content 2.5 times higher, carbohydrate content is 4 times higher than pork while fat content contains only half of pork. That why pig skin becomes a very good nutrition source which helps hair become shiny. Besides, the price of pig skins is quite cheap, it will help reducing food cost for your dachshunds.

You can buy omega-3 from drugstores everywhere and let your sausage dogs have it directly since omega-3 is absorbed directly, the result will appear within a week.

Photo by Ruth Bernard‎

Besides nutrition sources for your dachshund puppies, you should take care of your dog in a proper way, help him to have a good health condition and a smooth, shiny fur.

Your doxie dogs should stay in a dry, cool place to help him avoid diseases. Combing their fur often will also reduce hair loss which makes their skin cool.

Bathe your dog often, but not every day, it will waste your time and it is also not good for dogs, we should only bathe the dachshunds once a month.

Photo by N’Dea Crook

You should kill ticks, lice, and parasites on the dog’s skin, especially not to let your dachshunds get scabies.

Have your dog exercise regularly and provide adequate water to keep your beloved dogs happy and have a good health.