15 Reasons Dachshunds Are The Worst Dogs

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Dachshunds are also called sausages, wiener dogs, doxie or hot dogs. They are one of the most popular of all dog breeds in the United States. The common reasons such as loveliness, playfulness, activeness… Besides, They are loyal four-legged friends, they are very attached to their family and they will protect you if someone threatens you. In addition, there are 15 more reasons why you should own a dachshund, please check them below.

Below are 15 reasons why dachshunds are the worst dogs you have to live with.

1. They are always beside you.

Photo by Bionica Fourie‎

2. They always think they are your Boss and you are just their driver.

Photo by Coralys Calderon‎

3. They pretend to be cute.

Photo by Amy Sandefur‎

4. They are very curious.

Photo by Zephra Martin‎

5. Look, they’re already taking over.

Photo by Rhonda Lee Dewees

6. They are not good kids.

Photo by Sam Billig‎

7. Attention! They are plotting ways to take over your account.

Photo by Allison Belle‎

8. You will never have free time.

Photo by Lacey Bavier‎

9. They always watch out for you.

Photo by Ahn Inocencio‎

10. They are fierce.

Photo from the internet

11. They are only using you.

Photo by Nick Nabozny‎

12. They sometimes have strange behaviors.

Photo by Anna Ziemendorf‎

13. They can get embarrassed.

Photo by Terri Jackson

14. They want to have some fun.

Photo by Kyla Crow‎

15. And how evil they are!

Photo by Bill Foote‎

Conclusion, dachshunds are very lovely, right? This article uses photos from Dachshund Bonus Group and the photos were shared by member of the group. Thanks to all members for the shares.

What reasons make you love dachshunds. Please comment.